Sunday, August 24, 2014

When it comes to the Democrats. . . and the taking of wealth

By Douglas V. Gibbs

What you see is what you get, yet the liberal left progressives have figured out how to convince many Americans that they are not only not what they are, that what is obvious is not true, and that in reality their opposition is what they are.  It is the greatest scheme of projection in history.

Then again, there is nothing new under the sun.

To those that pay attention to politics beyond the propaganda on the surface, there is no mystery what the Democrats truly stand for. However, their packaging is designed to deceive. The weak-minded are easy to fall for their deceptions.  People fail to realize that politics are a game of deception, but to dig into the truth, all we must do is peel back the layers we are presented and take a look underneath.

We must also remember that culture drives politics.  As culture becomes one not willing to follow the set standards of morality and decency, how can we expect our politicians to follow the set standards of the rule of law, and the United States Constitution?

The Founding Fathers were problem solvers, and they expected us to be problem solvers, too.  Solving problems is not the limit of what we should be doing, however.  Finding the solution, but failing to put that solution into action, is no solution at all.  The framers of the Constitution were more than problem solvers.  They were activists, advocates, revolutionaries and statesmen.  They talked the talk, and they walked the walk.

To solve a problem, we must recognize the problem in the first place.  We must understand the parameters.  We must be able to dig through the variables, determine what the equation is, and how to find the solution. We must identify the constants, the variables, the coefficients, and the operators.  Without being able to do all of that, we might as well be a primate trying to beat an algebra problem into submission with a toy hammer.

Statism stands against the United States Constitution, and there are constants that never change in that equation.  Alexander Hamilton, a man who believed the federal government should have been created to be more powerful than patriots like James Madison, James Wilson, or Benjamin Franklin understood it to be, was the first Secretary of the Treasury.  He immediately campaigned for a national bank, taxation, and a perpetual national debt.  His successors in what would become the Progressive Movement established the Federal Reserve, the income tax, the IRS, and adhere to the Keynesian Economic Theory which includes allowance for a large national debt, encouraging the printing of fiat money to fuel the allusion that pumping worthless money into an economy can somehow "prime the pump," and kick start a staggering financial system.  The money, however, has to come from somewhere to support their flawed economic beliefs, so the constant need to increase taxation is a mainstay of those that oppose the limiting principles of the United States Constitution.

It is no secret that the Democrats support taxation, and in particular, love to tax the rich until they join the ranks of the poor, so as to pay for socialist communistic programs they put into place.

The fervor behind The Bailey Bill in 1909, and the eventual promotion and ratification of the 16th Amendment, was to "soak the rich."  Be not falsely educated on this, however.  It is not the rich that the liberal left progressive statists are after when it comes to taxing the rich.  Many of the people pushing these tax policies that target the wealthy with a progressive tax rate are well-to-do themselves.  But there is a difference between them, and the rich they are targeting.  Democrats do not wish to target the rich.  They wish to target the "Capitalistic Wealthy."

Capitalist Wealth is achieved through the Free Market, it is wealth earned through hard work, self-sufficiency, individualism, and capitalistic principles like profit, and other private industry tactics.  Those that desire to tax the rich who are in government, or those that tend to try to influence big government from the outside, are filthy rich themselves, but they tend not to be Capitalistic Wealthy.

Socialist Wealthy is not a status achieved through earning wealth, but by taking it.  That is also how government operates.  Government creates nothing, earns nothing, and produces nothing.  The money the government has is not generated, but is taken either through taxes, or by borrowing it.  Capitalists act on individuality, while the socialist wealthy operate on a collective model, working together to take wealth from capitalism for themselves, and then use that wealth and power to control the people as a ruling elite, not only because they believe themselves to be the guardians of the general will, but also to make sure nobody else is able to crawl up from the bottom and join their ranks.  It gets crowded in a dictatorship, and too many residents causes power struggles that destroys the system from within.

The statists, then, rule through runaway taxation, so as to take more for themselves, and to leave the lower classes in mediocrity, or worse.  When a people are beaten down and struggling for survival, and are dependent upon government for their livelihood, those people are less likely to rise up against their rulers. Even the liberals in charge recognize that, but the sheep don't seem to be able to realize, or are willing to admit, that in reality, tax cuts spurn economic growth, and in their quest to tax the rich allows the Democrats to destroy the "private industry" rich while lining the pockets of the liberal left progressives in charge.  In a progressive tax system the upper income brackets already pay the highest amount of taxes, but it is never enough.  The push is to increase the rate until the rich are no longer rich.

Getting us back to "projection," the liberal left progressive socialist democrats claim that it is they that fight for fair taxation, and they accuse the Republicans of wanting to cut the taxes of the rich more than other brackets, because the GOP are nothing but a bunch of plutocrats.  The socialist rich democrats say these things, as if they are trying to convince the voters that they, too, are poor downtrodden workers in a system seeking a utopia where nobody is above anyone, where there are none that are "privileged," where everyone works together in a fair, communal system.  What drives an economy is not the socialist wealthy, however, but the wealthiest in America that owns the businesses, and contributes products and services to our economy. By penalizing them for their earnings we penalize ourselves, and eventually doom everyone to mediocrity and serfdom.

Then again, that's the goal by the progressives.  They are working to silence the opposition, and destroy them.  Capitalist wealthy have money, and people with money are capable of knocking the leftists off of their perch of power, and that just can't be tolerated.

The Capitalist Wealthy earns wealth, provides wealth, and encourages the nation to prosper.  The Socialist Wealthy takes wealth, provides government dependency, and encourages a nation to collapse in order to retain their power.

And the democrat voters keep putting the leftist politicians into office, believing their propaganda, refusing to recognize they are being lied to, expecting a better life through government handouts as the sustainability of those programs rapidly seeks bankruptcy.

Which kind of rich is more beneficial to the economy - Capitalist Wealthy, or Socialist Wealthy?  Is it better to have a society filled with those that produce wealth, and create wealth through capitalistic free market principles?  Or those that take wealth and then hand a little back to you if you are willing to behave under their iron fist?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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