Friday, September 05, 2014

IRS Lost More Emails

By Douglas V. Gibbs

This is a ruse to say, "Hey, it happens all the time, so don't be down on us with Lerner's emails.  See?  It wasn't on purpose.  We are idiots with emails all the time!"

That's right, the IRS has lost emails from five more employees, and they are proud of it.  Hey, this kind of incompetence is just in time for congressional investigations.

See, investigators?  We weren't just stupid with Lerner's emails. Stupidity runs amok.
Last June the IRS claimed an an untold number of emails to and from Lois Lerner are just gone.

But they won't lose your audit, or the check you paid them in more taxes.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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