Monday, October 27, 2014

Hillary Clinton On Economics

by JASmius

I don't think Howie Carr of the Boston Globe quite gets what's going on here:

Now we get our first glimpse of Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign strategy -- she's planning to fight the last political war all over again.

Ask the French generals who built the Maginot Line after World War I how that plan worked out for them.

Yet there was Field Marshal Hillary in Boston on Friday, trying to prop up the doomed Martha Coakley campaign. And Hillary hopped right into her own personal way-back machine to deliver her speech at the Park Plaza:

First of all, Hillary Clinton has always believed this Marxist bilge.  She was an original disciple of Saul Alinsky.  That hasn't changed, and it never will.

But remember her problem, which we discussed not that long ago:

No, gentles, this trip to the woodshed is all about two words: Elizabeth Warren.  Hillary! knows she can't beat the Massachusetts Communist senator for the 2016 Democrat nomination, she knows that Obamanation hates La Clinton Nostra in general, she knows that O specifically favors Senator Warren over her upside-down legs, and she knows damn well that, as rich as Clinton, Inc. is, she is over-matched financially against any Obama-backed candidate.  Fauxcahontas is Hillary! circa 1994, all the undiminished radicalism and none of the "corporate/Wall Street" taint and philandering husband baggage and all the other "compromises" she's had to make over the past twenty-plus years.  Or, to invoke the obvious 2004 parallel I've used previously, Hillary! is John Kerry and Warren is Howard Dean.  Ten years ago the Donk base - barely - eschewed their heart (Dr. Demented) for their brain (Lurch), and what did it get them?  Never mind that the true answer to that question was, "ten percentage points closer to Dubya than Dean would have scored"; besides, after Obama the nutroots think they're invincible.  And they will be, once their demigod decrees himself a lifetime term.  Political immortality certainly won't come from The Liz.

But she'll come a lot closer than Mrs. Clinton ever will, which is why the Empress must bow, curtsey, genuflect, and otherwise humiliate herself by rolling out the prayer rug at Martha's Vineyard tonight.  And the best part is, it's a futile endeavor, and everybody, most especially Hillary!, knows it.

Hillary Clinton still wants to be POTUS.  So bad she can taste it.  So bad that WE can taste it.  It is the biggest loose end, the biggest unrequited dream, the biggest unfinished business in her miserable life.  And she just can't let go of it.  So she burbles and spews communist bromides like "Businesses don't create jobs!" in the forlorn hope that she can somehow get to Senator Warren's left and finally get that run at the proverbial brass ring.

What she does not understand, what she's incapable of grasping, is that she's got the mirror-equivalent problem Mitt Romney had when addressing the GOP's Tea Party grassroots: She no longer speaks the language of the Left.  Her accent is off; she can't get the hang of the dialect.  She and her quarter-mil-a-speech overhang chirping Trotskyite homages like, "[Capitalism] has been tried, that has failed rather spectacularly" sound about as convincing as the time during the 2004 campaign when John Kerry shuffled into that general store in Ohio and drawled, "I wants me a huntin' rifle".  It's self-parody.  It's the epitome of pathos.  It would make me almost pity the woman if I didn't loathe every quark and gluon of her being.

Which is what is going to make her one last attempt at becoming the real-life Laura Roslin so gosh darn entertaining.

Assuming Barack Obama ever vacates the office she desperately seeks, of course.

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