Once you start quietly, grudgingly, inexorably conceding the obvious, it becomes correspondingly more difficult to maintain the "quiet" part:
Republicans on Tuesday slammed the latest travel restrictions by the Obama administration during the Ebola crisis, with Pennsylvania-10 Representative Tom Marino telling Newsmax that he hoped President Barack Obama was "not using this new half-measure as a way to avoid admitting that a ban would work.
Which is precisely its purpose.
"I am not sure why the implementation of a sensible travel and visa ban is taking so long," said Marino, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee. "It is a reasonable and prudent approach.
It's taking so long because Barack Obama does not want to implement it. Which must mean something's wrong with his reality gauntlet.
"Then again," he added, "the exact motives and justifications from this administration are all too often makeshift and superficial."
Au contraire, Congressman Marino, they couldn't be any more crystal clear. O has his ideology, his ideology says the rest of the world is morally superior to us, which entitles them to come here at will, and thus it would be "racist" to cut off flights to the U.S. from West Africa. Correspondingly, he will not, nor will he ever, cut off flights to the U.S. from West Africa. The ideology is absolute and must be adhered to. Barack Obama is the master of all reality, and if he says ebola is no threat to us, then reality must shift to conform. If it doesn't, refer to rule #1.
And that doesn't even touch on the question of how politcally useful to The One an ebola epidemic would be.
Texas-32 Representative Pete Sessions not only intensified his call for a full West Africa travel ban, but said the White House needed to rescind the 13,000 visas that have been issued to people in the Ebola-stricken area.
"While I'm encouraged by the administration’s efforts to implement new airport restrictions, simply rerouting flights is not a comprehensive solution that will put an end to this crisis," Sessions told Newsmax. "In order to effectively protect Americans from this disease, we must isolate the problem and thoroughly screen all American travelers coming from these countries."
It's not designed to put an end to this crisis or protect Americans, Congressman Sessions. It's designed to get public pressure off of King Hussein's back so he can go back to fundraising, campaigning, golf, and Galaga. It doesn't matter much whether we accept passengers from Ebola Central through five ports of entry (John F. Kennedy International in New York, Newark Liberty International in New Jersey, Washington-Dulles International, O'Hare International in Chicago, and Hartsfield-Jackson International in Atlanta) or all of them or a different five. The point is, we're still accepting passengers from Ebola Central.
This is like Pamela Anderson switching from an A-cup bra to a B-cup bra. Yeah, it'll help a little, but it will still be totally inadequate, when what is needed is the Angelina Jolie approach.
But again, have no worries, folks, this ebola "filtering" will only last a couple of more weeks, after which the White House will throw open in ingress spigots full-blast once again. After all, it's only "fair".
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