Beats me what La Raza and all the other illegal immigration extremists were freaking out about after O deferred his illegal amnesty decree until after the midterm elections. "Oh, yea of little faith, why did you doubt?":
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has published a draft solicitation for immigrant ID cards that anticipates a "surge" in immigrants in 2016, Breitbart reports.
The proposal request says a minimum of 4 million cards would need to be produced per year, with the ability to produce 9 million cards "to support possible future immigration reform initiative requirements." One estimate suggests that 34 million cards will be printed in total. [emphasis added]
What's the remaining population of Latin America, again? Or even just Mexico? As of last year, the official figure for the latter was 122 million, so thirty-four million would be approximately 28% of that number. All to be imported, illegally, to Cloward-Pivenize what remains of the U.S. economy and overwhelm still-"red" states with impoverished illegal Democrat voters to entrench Barack Obama and his party in power forever.
Is The One himself ordering this? Probably. But then, he doesn't really have to:
A USCIS official told the U.K.'s MailOnline on Monday that a plan was developed "in case the president makes the move we think he will." He added, though, that the agency's Document Management Division (DMD) is not making it official yet by committing to buying the materials.
That was an Obamunist who had a momentary lapse of candor. The other "official" maintained the party line:
Another official said the plan was just a "contingency" in case immigration reform legislation passes in Congress. This official stressed to the MailOnline that it was not in anticipation of an executive order from Obama.
The order "seems to indicate that the president is contemplating an enormous executive action that is even more expansive than the plan that Congress rejected in the 'Gang of Eight' bill," Jessica Vaughn, an immigration expert at the Center for Immigration Studies, told Breitbart.
Precisely. Which is why they're ordering the millions of green cards "quietly"; they know they can do so and they're so smart and we're so stupid that we will never notice. And if we do, they'll demonize us as "racists" and "mass murderers" and the LIVs and NIVs will snarf it right down like barbeque beef brisket.
And they're probably right. But that doesn't mean it won't still generate them some heartburn, especially if, as is looking increasingly likely, the next Congress is entirely Republican:
On CNN's "Inside Politics" Monday, moderator John King said that the unilateral executive action promised by Obama for after the midterm elections will kick off confrontation, not compromise, from Republicans driven by anger and frustration in their conservative grass-roots voter base.
"Well, if you believed perhaps there would be room and motivation for a deal after the 2014 midterms — think again," King said.
"I was so struck by conversations in Colorado, in Kansas and Iowa — just pure frustration; a belief among conservative Republicans that this problem is getting worse.
"What does that tell you? It tells you there is no prospect for any compromise legislation during the final two years of the Obama presidency," King said.
"If the president uses his executive power as promised, Republicans will be pushing the grass-roots for confrontation, not compromise. An issue we thought after 2014 Republicans would try to deal with, will be with us until 2016 and beyond."
It's really no more complicated than this: legal immigration is an issue that favors Democrats; illegal immigration is an issue that favors Republicans. Why? Because the former is about all the things that Dems claim characterize the latter - "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" - whereas the latter is about law and order, about the U.S. Constitution, and about protecting Americans from passive invasion, per Article IV, Section 4.
I happen to be one of those who believes that we need to cut off all immigration, legal and illegal, for at least a generation so as to get a massive breather to absorb and assimilate the huge influx of the past half-century. Which, historically speaking, is what we've always done. But if we can ever get the borders sealed and the passive invasion cut off and the invaders repatriated, I can confidently predict that they'll be little public stomach for slowing down legal immigration short of the sort of cataclysmic event - war or massive terrorist attack - that makes possible that degree of policy change and shift in public attitudes. But, heck, we'd be so overjoyed just to get that point that most of us would happily settle for rendering illegal immigration a thing of the past.
That, of course, will never happen so long as Barack Obama remains POTUS. Which he will for a long, long time to come.
But a man can dream, can't he?
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