They are "integrated into society," your Popeiness. That's the crux of the problem. But they cannot be "integrated" into the Church Universal without repentance and turning away from their sin to Jesus Christ.
Who are you to judge? Perhaps; but we are all to obey the Scriptures, in the Holy Spirit's enabling power, because make no mistake about it, Francis, God will judge.
But until then, his unholiness sees fit to rule with an iron fist:
Conservative Cardinal Raymond Burke, who has regularly clashed with Pope Francis over his liberal leanings, has confirmed longstanding rumors that he would soon be demoted from his position as head of the Vatican's Supreme Court.
Burke, 66, the former archbishop of St. Louis, told BuzzFeed News that Francis would soon move him to the minor position of patron to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta....
In December, Francis removed Burke from the Vatican’s influential Congregation for Bishops, appointing instead Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington to the 18-member board. He had been appointed to the bishops' group by Pope Benedict XVI in 2009.
Burke has frequently clashed with Pope Francis over a number of issues — and publicly attacked a draft document issued Monday by bishops outlining the Catholic church's position on gays, sex, marriage and divorce.
Cardinal Burke obviously recognizes "the enemy within." Or, as the Apostle Paul put it, "Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the false circumcision," who, "....are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ." And like Christ Himself, he has boldly challenged Francis's heresies, and Francis evidently will not abide any dissent from his apostasy.
But Burke's ultimate "sin"?:
Most recently, Burke slammed President Barack Obama for having policies that "have become progressively more hostile toward Christian civilization."
"He appears to be a totally secularized man who aggressively promotes anti-life and anti-family policies," he said in a March interview published in LifeSiteNews.com. "Now he wants to restrict the exercise of the freedom of religion to freedom of worship."
The devil's advocate cannot tolerate blasphemy against his golden calf, Cardinal. But you knew the job was dangerous when you took it, just as you know that that job will only get more dangerous as time "progresses".
Just ask Houston-area Christian pastors, facing their own devil's advocate in the form of Mayor Annise Parker. To which ex-Arkansas Governor and ordained minister Mike Huckabee has an intriguing proposed response:
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee wants the nation's pastors to send Bibles and copies of all of their sermons to Houston Mayor Annise Parker, who has issued a broad subpoena demanding the city's pastors hand over copies of their sermons and communications concerning the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.
"I hope she gets thousands and thousands of sermons and Bibles," said Huckabee, who is an ordained Southern Baptist minister, on his Fox News show Saturday.
"It ought to make you mad that the mayor thinks she can turn in her pastors," the Republican said. "And so I got an idea. If she wants a sermon, here is my suggestion. I would like to ask every pastor in America, not only the ones in Houston, to send her your sermons and go ahead. Obviously she could use a few. And everybody watching the show ought to send her a Bible."
Kind of an evangelical jiu-jitsu maneuver. Or, as the Uhura Protocol states, "Be careful what you wish for, Madame Mayor; you may get it."
But look on the bright side, Annise: with that many Bibles, you can hold a public book-burning for the ages.

C'mon, you know you'll want to.
UPDATE: And now we reach the inevitable terminus of this disgusting trend:
The city of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, is taking a step many opponents of same-sex marriage feared would come – forcing those with religious objections to perform same-sex marriages or risk facing prosecution for violating non-discrimination laws.
Donald and Evelyn Knapp, ordained ministers who oppose gay marriage, own the Hitching Post wedding chapel in Coeur d’Alene. Early in 2014, a federal judge in Idaho ruled that the same-sex marriage ban was unconstitutional, but the ruling was put on hold while the case was appealed. When the Supreme Court declined to hear the case, the ruling stood and went into effect.
The city of Coeur d’Alene has an ordinance that prohibits discrimination, including on the basis of sexual orientation, in public accommodations. It does have a religious exemption, but the Hitching Post is a for-profit company, not technically a religious organization, in spite of the Knapp’s deeply held personal beliefs.
Back in May, when everything was on hold pending the Supreme Court, Donald told KXLY, “I think the Bible is pretty clear that homosexuality is not his way, and therefore I cannot unite people in a way that I believe would conflict with what the Bible teaches.” The Knapps have said they will close their doors before violating their religious beliefs.
But before that happens, there is another legal battle ahead.
“On Friday, a same-sex couple asked to be married by the Knapps, and the Knapps politely declined. The Knapps now face a 180-day jail term and $1,000 fine for each day they decline to celebrate the same-sex wedding.” Note that jail time and the fine is per day, not per offense, The Daily Signal reports. [emphasis added]
It's not enough that the Lavender Lobby destroyed the Knapps' business, like the Kleins who politely declined, as their First Amendment right to religious liberty and freedom of association entitles them, to prepare a "wedding" cake for a homosexual "union" ceremony. No, they must be punished, they must be incarcerated, their lives must be ruined and destroyed by and in the Crisco Inquisition. Those that demand "tolerance" for their gross perversion will show zero tolerance for anybody who refuses to embrace it. Christ must be denied, and fudge-packing hailed as "lord" - or else.
Or, put another way, "We MUST all be gay, now".
In the worst time of persecution of the Church (prior to now), during the heyday of the Roman Empire, there was the "faithful witness" Antipas:
While Antipas was martyred late in the lifetime of the Apostle John, precious little else is factually known about Antipas from respected historical sources.
However, traditions originating within the Eastern Orthodox Christian church, around and after A.D. 1,000, paint a fuller picture....
The traditional Antipas was reputed to be the Bishop of the Christian church at Pergamos, and that he was martyred for his faith because of his consistent faithful witnessing in the face of all the satanic evil present there.
When Antipas was advised: "Antipas, the whole world is against you!", Antipas reputedly replied, "Then I am against the whole world!"
Antipas was roasted alive in a hollow life-size bull, which had a bonfire under its belly, because Antipas refused to renounce his faith in Christ Jesus.
Given that Donald and Evelyn Knapp are being given an effective life sentence for the "crime" of refusing to renounce their faith - a crime against humanity indistinguishable from "blasphemy" prosecutions in Muslim countries - how far is early-21st-century Obamerikastan from their being roasted to death in a hollow life-size bull, or crucified, or buried alive, or beheaded, a la Christians under the rule of the Islamic State? Isn't that the logical next step, especially if the Lavender Lobby continues to meet resistance from the faithful?
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