Wednesday, October 15, 2014

"Unfair, Exposing The I.R.S."

by JASmius

One woman's review:

At the monthly Tea Party meeting for October, handouts were given to all for the movie named in the discussion title above.   Tonight was the showing.  Nineteen people showed up.   A great discussion took place immediately following.

The intent of the movie is to point out many of the sins and to present a plan whereby they could be eliminated along with the annual pain of preparing income tax returns.   It sounds like a good plan.

Translation: It sounds like a good goal.  A great one, in fact.  A fine and pleasant aspiration.  Who doesn't wish the Internal Revenue Service would go away?  Especially now that it's been turned into the Obamastapo?

But sorely wanting something that absolutely should be is not a plan for attaining it.  And in my thirty-five years of analysis of and commenting on American politics and policy, I have yet to see a plan for prying perhaps the core power of the federal leviathan out of its iron-vise-grip that has not been a complete and utter pipedream.  Why would this one be any different?

The Fair Tax, of which Mike Huckabee is a proponent is a consumption tax rather than an income tax which penalizes hard work rather than hard spending.  Mike Huckabee leads a discussion at the end of the movie and then there was a gentleman that represented the film producer who continued that discussion, in person.  The group I was in was led by Mfr. Dave Corsi.  Since he gave handouts with his phone number and offering to speak at events for free, I will provide his phone number.  732-923-1410   It was a lively discussion.  He was quite personable and well informed.  There were several other well-known people in the film.

This is getting the cart before the horse, people.

First of all....Mike Huckabee.  The John Edwards of the Republican Party.  The single-issue socon.  I don't trust Huckles any farther than I could throw him - and I'm talking about when he exceeded three hundred pounds.  And neither should you - especially as he still has presidential ambitions, and if there does turn out to be a 2016 election, I'd like to actually have a chance of winning.

Second, do not - I repeat, do not - even begin to think about replacements for the federal income tax before the Sixteenth Amendment is actually repealed.  All it will accomplish is, in the example of the so-called "Fair Tax," to add a federal VAT (i.e. national sales tax) on top of the federal income tax, as befell the Europeans decades ago.  First get rid of the federal income tax, then we can talk about replacements.

And, of course, there are no circumstances short of the upheaval of complete national collapse under which the federal government will ever relinquish that kind of power.  Which is precisely why this topic has never done much of anything to get, much less hold, my interest.

But again, this is not to say that the attempt shouldn't be made.  Anything's possible, at least theoretically, as was illustrated nine months ago.....

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