Friday, November 07, 2014

Amnesty "Transparency"

by JASmius

A futile midterm election gesture, as it turned out, but another harbinger of tyrannical imperial decrees to come:

Staggering statistics that show nearly a half-million people were caught trying to enter the U.S. illegally -- and more than half were not Mexican, a number far higher than in 2013 -- reportedly were posted on a U.S. government website for just a few hours last month before being taken down.

According to the Center for Investigative Reporting, the numbers were posted on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website on October 10th for roughly five hours. The dramatic numbers raised questions over whether they were yanked to protect the administration before key midterm elections.

No questions about it, folks.

Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-UT3), told the Center he's worried "they may have been taken down for purely political reasons."

Ya think?

"If the information is ready it should be made available. The idea that it was and then yanked down for political reasons is outrageous," he said.

But inevitable.  Not that any more evidence of Barack Obama's coming Executive amnesty Order is needed at this point, but there you go.

This is why I keep urging Tea Partiers to relax about their paranoid fears that the incoming unified Republican Congress is going to cave on "comprehensive immigration reform".  Even if that were at all likely, O's raging extremism on the issue would make it a practical impossibility.

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