The IRS admitted to the court that it failed to search any of the IRS standard computer systems for the 'missing' emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials.
You want details? We've got 'em right here:
IRS attorneys conceded that they had failed to search the agency’s servers for missing emails because they decided that 'the servers would not result in the recovery of any information.' They admitted they had failed to search the agency’s disaster recovery tapes because they had 'no reason to believe that the tapes are a potential source of recovering' the missing emails. And they conceded that they had not searched the government-wide back-up system because they had 'no reason to believe such a system … even exists.'..."
So they didn't search for the "missing" emails because they were....what? Too lazy?
"... The IRS admitted to Judge Sullivan that the agency failed to 'submit declarations about any of the foregoing items because it had no reason to believe that they were sources from which to recover information lost as a result of Lerner’s hard drive failure.'
Translation: They didn't wanna.
Department of Justice attorneys for the IRS had previously told Judicial Watch that Lois Lerner’s emails, indeed all government computer records, are backed up by the federal government in case of a government-wide catastrophe.
Which set up the next lie....
The Obama administration attorneys said that this back-up system would be too onerous to search.
Just so.
In the October federal court filing, the IRS does not deny that the government-wide back-up system exists, and acknowledges to the court that 760 other email “servers” have been discovered but had not been searched.
And they're never going to be.
The IRS also refuses to disclose the names of the IRS officials who may have information about the IRS scandal, citing unspecified threats.
Threats? From whom? The White House, maybe?
The IRS says it pulled documents about the scandal from various employees into a “Congressional database” and that it has only searched this one “database” for missing records.
Translation: Masturbatory stalling.
Incredibly, the IRS has not searched any of the IRS’s regular computer systems for any missing records and admits that it has only searched a 'database' that it knows does not contain the missing records being sought by the court, Judicial Watch, and Congress ...
Nothing incredible about it, gents. If you think it is, the joke is obviously on you, because you never should have expected anything else. In fact, I wouldn't even call what the Regime is doing "stonewalling," because implicit in that term is the acknowledgment by the wrongdoers that they are still, at some level, accountable for their actions, and they're doing everything they can to forestall justice. The Obamastapo is playing with Judicial Watch, with congressional investigators like Darryl Issa, with the federal courts themselves, like a cat batting around a mouse. It's more than just contempt and arrogance, it is a ruling clique utterly secure in the knowledge that they have all the power and, with sadistic glee, is relentlessly determined to rub all of our noses in it.
Lamented Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton:
The Obama IRS couldn’t care less about the federal court’s orders to provide full information about the ‘missing’ Lois Lerner emails ... Instead, the IRS, with the help of a compromised Justice Department, has engaged in a series of transparently evasive distractions. The IRS would have Judicial Watch wait for years before we can ask questions about the cover-up that is going on now. The IRS thinks it can game a federal court, Congress, and the American people.
And they'd be right about that.
Having delayed accountability for over two years, the Obama administration is prepared to stonewall on the IRS targeting of Obama’s ‘enemies list’ until after the 2016 presidential election.
If there is one. And they'll succeed at that as well.
Judicial Watch’s lawsuit can continue to break through this obstruction of justice, especially if the court approves our effort to put select Obama officials under oath.
No, it can't, Tom, and no, it won't. I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm, but you do realize your task is a hopeless one, don't you? That even if the court approves your effort to put more Obamunists under oath, they'll either plead the Fifth or commit flagrant perjury with a "get out of jail free card," just like Lois Lerner did and John Koskinen continues to do? When I refer to the Holder DOJ as the "Commissariat of Injustice, Revenge & Coverup," that is neither hyperbole nor exaggeration.
There is a reason why John Adams once wrote:
While our country remains untainted with the principles and manners which are now producing desolation in so many parts of the world; while she continues sincere, and incapable of insidious and impious policy, we shall have the strongest reason to rejoice in the local destination assigned us by Providence. But should the people of America once become capable of that deep simulation towards one another, and towards foreign nations, which assumes the language of justice and moderation while it is practising iniquity and extravagance, and displays in the most captivating manner the charming pictures of candor, frankness, and sincerity, while it is rioting in rapine and insolence, this country will be the most miserable habitation in the world; because we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. [Emphasis added]
Or, as I have been asking and continue to pose, how do we use the law to rein in a lawless dictator?
Best of luck to you, Mr. Fitton. My God, are you going to need it.
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