Thursday, November 06, 2014

Obama: I Won't Sign Any Bill To Repeal ObamaCare

by JASmius

Anybody who's shocked by this, stand on your head:

One day after his party took a drubbing in the midterm elections, President Barack Obama said he had no intention of signing a Republican bill to overturn his signature healthcare legislation but would be willing to work with the GOP on other issues.

"On healthcare, there are certainly some lines I'm going to draw," Obama said in a White House press conference Wednesday. "Repeal of the law I won't sign."

The president said he also would resist efforts to weaken the law piecemeal, as Republicans have suggested, including getting rid of the individual mandate.

The one noteworthy aspect of this inevitably defiant public declaration is that he felt compelled to actually make it publicly.  That the namesake of ObamaCare would not and will never sign a bill repealing it is so overpoweringly self-evident that he could just as easily have greeted calls for scuttling the abomination with icy, haughty, imperious silence - "I didn't extend my scepter (something Bill Clinton could never have said), so you spoke out of turn.  Guards!  Off with his head!" - yet there he was, making this reiteration that everybody already knows.  This tells me that, for the first time, he's coming to the private realization that his crown policy jewel might be in some sort of wee, small, teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy, yellow-polka-dot jeopardy.

If only I could believe that.

But he would be agreeable to "responsible changes" to "make it work better," Obama said. "There's no law that has ever been passed that is perfect."

In other words, he'll be happy to sign a single-payer bill.  Lotsa luck, Barry.  You'll have to decree that one yourself.

Parenthetically, for all my Tea Party friends:

"If I had the ability, obviously I'd get rid of it,'" McConnell said of the Affordable Care Act. "It's no secret that every one of my members thinks Obamacare was a huge legislative mistake." [emphasis added]

Told you so.

Knowing that Obama would veto a bill to completely reverse the ACA, McConnell said he would strike at pieces of the legislation "that are tremendously unpopular with the American people."

That would include the individual mandate, which requires people to buy insurance policies approved by the government, he said.

Without which the whole thing collapses.  Which is another way of saying, making permanent the can-down-the-road-kicking that O has been illegally and unconstitutionally decreeing.  Which he'll also veto, but targeting the most unpopular aspects of O-Care is politically astute and, dare I say, savvy.  Two qualities the Tea Party woefully lacks.

Getting back to his infernal majesty, I thought his "Digitation Proclamation" above (i.e. "[BLEEP] you!") makes a splendid compare and contrast with this delectable gem:

Since he first took office, President Barack Obama has legislatively decimated the Democrat Party, losing more seats under his watch than any president since Harry Truman.

From 2008, Democrats have forfeited at least sixty-nine House seats, and that number could increase as unsettled midterm election results are announced, the Hill reports.

Add to that the loss of thirteen Democratic seats in the Senate during Obama's six years in the White House, and it becomes obvious that Democratic candidates who blame Obama's negative influence for their loss have a legitimate complaint.

Ahhhhh.  Savor the butthurt, ladies and gentlemen.  Because they'll never learn a damn thing from it:

David Krone, chief of staff to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV, told the Washington Post, "The president's approval rating is barely 40%. What else more is there to say? He wasn't going to play well in North Carolina or Iowa or New Hampshire. I'm sorry. It doesn't mean that the message was bad, but sometimes the messenger isn't good." [emphasis added]

Translation: "We still haven't found the right socialist yet."

But then, some Dems - and certainly Barack Obama - knew that this would be the consequence of such a radical leftward shift that most if not all of the sixty-eight million dumbasses who elected Cap'n Four-Putt in the first place had no idea they were voting for (although they damn well should have).  Which is why Candy Crowley is talking out of her hat on Tuesday's electoral Extinction Level Event deterring The One from issuing his blanket amnesty decree.  I tend to think that all the chatter right now about the Democrats being "wrecked for a generation" is every bit as overblown as the exact same rhetoric about the GOP "going the way of the Whigs" was six years ago.  Our culture has way too short an attention span and way too little cognitive logic abilities for that to ever happen.  But it will keep Democrats from attaining the total power they possessed in 2009-2010 in perpetuity.  This is why Barack Obama has usurped the whole of Congress's Article I, Section 1 legislative power for himself, and why he's absolutely going to use it to formally import tens of millions of new Democrat voters to swamp every last "red" state and enclave in the country.

You know how they've always said that "As California goes, so goes America"?  There you go.

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