Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Gun Control Activist to Children: Steal Your Parent's Guns, Turn Them in at School

By Douglas V. Gibbs

We've heard the madness.  Gun Control fascists believe that gun ownership is child abuse, and now one of them has gone so far as to make the Hitleric suggestion that children should steal their parent's guns, and then turn them in at school.  I am sure that some of the Democrats have no problem with that kind of tyrannical suggestion.  Let's not forget, however, that every modern murderous tyranny came to power after confiscating the guns of the populace.

When there is an armed populace, there is liberty.  When there is an unarmed populace, there is tyranny.

Aside from the fact that such a call to children is idiotic and reeks of killing liberty, Regina Sincic's directions to teenagers are also a call for teens to commit multiple felonies. . . as well as dangerous since the people being told to confiscate their parent's guns likely have no experience with firearms, and probably have an irrational fear of firearms, which could lead to injury or death through negligent discharge of the weapon.

In the video created by the gun control nut, a boy steals an unholstered (presumably loaded) firearm from his mother’s room, drops it unsecured into his bookbag, and then carries it to school. After class the boy pulls the pistol out of his bookbag and puts it on his startled teacher’s desk, saying, “Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house.”

In the real world, such an act would result in the boy facing numerous felony charges (exact charges depend on state laws) possibly including weapons theft, unlawful possession of a weapon by a minor, illegal concealed carry of a weapon, carrying a weapon onto school property, assault, and brandishing.

The child, then, would face the possibility of felony criminal record and mandatory expulsion from school.

Obama, as extreme and radical of a big government statist that he is, doesn't even want children doing such a thing.  He and Michelle have already suggested that simply verbally turning their parents in through their doctor, or local authorities, should get the job done - you know, like the Hitler Youth were encouraged to do.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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