Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Liberals Looking For Their Own James O'Keefe

by JASmius

Of course.  Because James O'Keefe single-handedly exposed, (temporarily) bankrupted, and drove (temporarily) to ground ACORN with a hidden camcorder and microphone and a boatload of audacity.  And since the Left, much like their Borg cousins, does not create but only assimilates, David Brock and Media Matters have decided they're going to take over this PR tactic - in association with a lefty organization named "State Innovation Exchange," natch:

A new project from left-wingers hopes to catch Republican lawmakers saying racist or sexist things on video, a report says. The group plans to begin video taping Republican lawmakers in the states that recently saw large GOP gains (which is pretty much every state) in order to catch them saying something racist, mean spirited or sexist in order to use that video to attack Republicans.

In other words, word-twisting and otherwise taking comments grotesquely out of context.

“We’re working with David Brock and Media Matters and American Bridge who have trackers that we can send out to monitor the debate on some bills that you all might be running,” Nick Rathod, executive director of SiX, said. “I think in many legislatures my understanding is that a lot of legislatures stream their floor debates but don’t necessarily transcribe it or capture it in any kind of way. And so we want to start capturing them on that. I think we know, someone’s going to say something about black people. Someone’s going to say something about women. Someone is going to say something.”

"I think we HOPE," Nick means.  And if that hope is forlorn - really, what public figure or official doesn't know they're always "on" 24/7, particularly Republicans? - They'll just selectively edit comments from their targeted pols to smear them anyway.  Otherwise known as "the magic of digital audio/video".

But then....so what?  How is media "gotcha!-ing" of GOPers anything new, novel, or innovative?  The only difference with MM's "project" is that they are going to have to work a lot harder than they and the rest of their jackal pack did in the previous four electoral cycles ('06, '08, '10, '12) where gaffes like "Macaca" and "I'm not a witch" and "legitimate rape" and "If a rape results in pregnancy, it's God's will" just fell into their laps like overripe fruit.  Republican candidates finally improved their message and PR discipline this cycle to where there weren't any gaffetastic nuggets to come by.  So now Mr. Brock and his creatures of the night will have to fabricate them themselves.

The equivalent isn't what Mr. O'Keefe did and does, of course.  But that's what lefties THINK he did and does.  Something tells me MM won't enjoy his level of success.

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