Monday, December 01, 2014

Man Leaves Wife for Gay Lover, Wins Custody of Children

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The gay agenda portrays the "plight" of the homosexual as victimhood.  The gay behavior is being treated as if it is a poor, downtrodden racial minority and the supporters of the gay agenda are willing to do whatever they can to forward the agenda, even if it means taking away the rights of others, or completely ignoring common sense.  For their belief they are willing to use the force of law to silence, and destroy, their opposition.

In one case, a homosexual man left his wife for his gay lover, and then fought her for custody of their children.  The court not only handed the children to him, but gave him everything he wanted, and would have offered more if he'd asked for it.  The courts, or at least this judge, has decided that the gay agenda must be supported at all costs, even if it means taking the children away from a mother to put them in a gay household, despite the mother's rights.

"Our divorce was not settled in mediation or with lawyers. No, it went all the way to trial. My husband wanted primary custody of our children. His entire case can be summed up in one sentence: “I am gay, and I deserve my rights.” It worked: the judge gave him practically everything he wanted. At one point, he even told my husband, “If you had asked for more, I would have given it to you.”

"I truly believe that judge was legislating from the bench, disregarding the facts of our particular case and simply using us—using our children— to help influence future cases. In our society, LGBT citizens are seen as marginalized victims who must be protected at all costs, even if it means stripping rights from others. By ignoring the injustice committed against me and my children, the judge seemed to think that he was correcting a larger injustice."

"My husband had left us for his gay lover. They make more money than I do. There are two of them and only one of me. Even so, the judge believed that they were the victims. No matter what I said or did, I didn’t have a chance of saving our children from being bounced around like so many pieces of luggage."

The homosexual agenda does not care about what is right, or what is in accordance with the law.  Their activities, their decisions, all have to do only with what is best for their agenda.  They will completely destroy society, and the Constitution, if that is what it means to culturally normalize homosexuality, and silence forever any and all opposition that dares to believe otherwise.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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