All I know is, when my late mother and I made gingerbread men cookies, and I tried to make them "anatomically correct," I always got sent to my room.
The biggest surprise about this story for me? This was in high school, not grade school:
Students at one northern California high school are learning more than just the birds and the bees.
Along with local area groups, some parents are irate that their children’s sex ed class at Acalanes High School in Lafayette is being taught by employees of Planned Parenthood without their prior knowledge.
Why does that make me think of the panty raid scene from Revenge of the Nerds?
They are also fuming over the methods and materials being used, including a checklist that asks students if they are “ready for sex” and another worksheet that describes how to give and obtain consent, as well as a diagram that uses a “genderbread” person for lessons in gender identity. ……
It was the parents of ninth-graders at Acalanes that started raising questions after their children told them one instructor threw a model of female reproductive organs at one student and that many felt the sessions were pressuring them to have sex.
Naturally. In the legal profession, it's called "rainmaking". PP probably calls it "jizz-making". They are, in snark-free parlance, attempting to, um, "stimulate" future "business".
“Some of the kids were distracted because it was divergent from what they were taught at home,” [Brad] Dacus [of the Pacific Justice Institute] said.
That's also the point. After all, whose kids do these parents think they are? Theirs?
Acalanes Union School District officials told the institute the class was not taught by teachers but rather the staff from a local Planned Parenthood in nearby Walnut Creek.…
I'm actually surprised they admitted that.
They were also taught about gender identity with the “Genderbread Person,” a play on the name of the holiday cookie, to teach them on how to identify themselves as either, “agender,” “bigender,” and “two spirit” to name a few. ……
Wasn't the last count fifty-eight different "genders" these professional deviants had (wet-)dreamed up?
A number of parents are expected to come out in force to a public district meeting on Wednesday to demand that their concerns be addressed.
Unless they show up naked, daisy-chained, and equipped with French ticklers, I can pretty confidently assure them that they won't be allowed in the door.
An opt-out can be found somewhere down this link-line for NoCal parents who want to be cock-blockers - you know, like I was a number of years ago and eight hundred miles further up the coast.
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