Tuesday, December 23, 2014

State Department Offers $5 Million Bounty For Jihadist It Released

by JASmius

I'm telling you, I am reaching the point where I am just about convinced that I am living in a gigantic, The Truman Show-esque Saturday Night Live skit.

The one caveat with this story?  It wasn't Obama who turned this jihadist loose:

The United States is offering a $5 million bounty for the recapture of an Islamic terrorist it freed six years ago who returned to the jihad campaign after attending a Saudi rehab program for militants.

See what I mean?  That's the kind of punchline even SNL writers would mull over and then say, "Naaaaaah, that's too stupid even for us."  "A Saudi rehab program for militants?"  That's like Billy Graham doing Dos Equis commercials, or the Man vs. Food weight loss regimen.

Ibrahim al-Rubaysh, a Saudi national, was released in 2006 under a Saudi program endorsed by President George W. Bush and continued "full-throttle" under President Barack Obama, Judicial Watch reported Monday as it highlighted a State Department announcement of the reward.

Dubya made a stupid mistake and The One doubled down on it because it's what he actually wanted to do anyway.

I guess the Saudis' "treatments" didn't take, did they?

"It turns out that al-Rubaysh is the poster child for the Saudi rehab’s failures. He’s a dangerous al-Qaida operative based in Yemen and now, years after freeing him, the United States wants him captured," Judicial Watch said.

O wants al-Rubaysh recaptured?  This Regime doesn't capture jihadists as a matter of policy.  They'll "drone" him, but re-capture him?  Not a chance.  Besides, what would they do with him if they did recapture him?  Stick him back in Saudi "rehab"?  "Second time's the charm"?

Anybody know what the recidivism rate of this "program" is?  I'm guessing it's in triple figures.

Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, started its rehabilitation program to try to reform violent jihadists by teaching them that they misinterpreted Islamic law by committing acts of terrorism. However, the program has widely failed to keep the militants from returning to terrorism after they graduated from the program, Judicial Watch noted.

Jihadists teaching other jihadists to become apostates for the infidels' consumption.  What could possibly go wrong?

Al-Rubaysh, who was held at the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is now a senior leader of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the State Department said.

Well, at least he retained some of his training.

Maybe if we did "take him (back) into custody," we could "torture" al-Rubaysh by feeding him a steady diet of pulled-pork sandwiches and Dos Equis until he starved to death.

I bet the SNL writers would like that punchline.

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