Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The IRS, and the "Icky" Conservatives

By Douglas V. Gibbs

A liberal that used to frequent my radio programs and website, who went by the moniker "Mudkitty," used to argue with me on every issue under the sun, but would always include in her discussion with me that she appreciated my passion for what I believe, and that she would defend my right to say it if she had to go to the mountaintops to do so.

Today's liberal left Democrat does not share her opinion.  Rather than defend the First Amendment right of Freedom of Speech, today's leftist would rather silence their opposition by any means necessary.  The Internal Revenue Service, infested with liberal left acolytes, has become one of those tools of tyranny.

The employees of the IRS got caught in singling out conservative groups, and Tea Party groups, convinced that all of the liberal propaganda about those groups must be true. . . making them "icky."
During congressional hearings, the truth has been percolating to the surface, and the latest findings shows how intolerant the leftists in the IRS truly are. . . and how they were willing to use their position to target those that dared to disagree with them politically.

Congressman Darrell Issa, a Republican from my neck of the woods here in Southern California, has released a new staff report stating that investigators also found IRS officials had “repeatedly changed their stories” about what went on and who was responsible for targeting the conservative and tea party groups who applied for nonprofit status.

The different stories, and roadblocks erected by the tax agency, the White House and congressional Democrats have made it difficult to figure out exactly what went on in the agency as it was targeting tea party and conservative groups for improper scrutiny and delaying approval of their applications, the investigators said.

“Nearly four years after the committee began probing complaints about disparate treatment towards applicants for tax-exempt status, the committee’s investigation is not closed,” the report concludes after giving a status check on what the investigation has found, and what questions are still outstanding.

Issa is about to hand over the procedings to Jason Chaffetz, a Congress Critter from Utah of Republican persuasion.  Democrats, of course, have been critical of the handling of the investigation, claiming the GOP has been cherry-picking excerpts of documents.

Cherry-picking, or not, the very presence of this kind of political discrimination by a tax agency that is supposed to apply the tax law uniformly, remains unacceptable, and in a word, "criminal."

Right there in the report is an email by an IRS employee who wrote a group that had applied for nonprofit status “gives me an icky feeling.” In another instance an employee seemed to begrudge that they would “have to” approve conservative and tea party group applications.

The very existence of an agency like the IRS does not even fit into the model given to us by the framers of the Constitution, and these proceedings regarding the politically discriminatory actions by the agency are only showing us the reality of what happens when you create a central bureaucracy that seemingly exists above the law, and believes it has no requirement to obey the law of the land, be it due process, uniformity under the law, or illegal search and seizure as prescribed by the 4th Amendment of the United States Constitution.

The IRS has admitted it was too intrusive in its handling of conservative groups, but gave us a pinky-swear that they don't target these groups inappropriately, anymore.  That is supposed to make us feel better, and somehow, we are supposed to believe them.

Meanwhile, as the IRS talks out of one side of its mouth, some groups are still waiting for approval for applications submitted four or five years ago.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

IRS employees biased against conservatives: report - Washington Times

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