It's funny; I keep seeing those "Fight hunger in America" PSAs, and yet nobody ever seems to shut down Michelle Obama's school lunch Nazism.
Wyoming, though, is saying "Enough is enough":
Several Wyoming schools have dropped the new federal rules pushed by First Lady Michelle Obama after saying they had an overwhelming negative reaction from students.
Wyoming Sheridan Country District One business manager Jeremy Smith said ‘there were just too many complaints’ for his district to stay in the National School Lunch Program.
“Universally, it was, ‘We are starving. We are hungry. This isn’t enough food for us.’ But we couldn’t blame them, because I looked at that school lunch and said, ‘I wouldn’t eat it either,'” he told Wyoming Public Media.
Given that this is the meager, desiccated slop students get....
It's kind of like when Sally Brown saw the size of her Christmas stocking: "I can see it now....
....three grapes."
School cafeterias don't have to become Man vs. Food franchises....
....but isn't there some happy medium that can be reached somewhere?
That's a rhetorical question, obviously. "Compromise" is for Republicans, not Democrats, and certainly not King Hussein. No matter how many American schoolchildren pass out from food deprivation.
Exit thought: To tweak a phrase, "Your stomach is rumbling so loudly, I can't hear a word you're saying." That's probably Moochelle's primary excuse for refusing to listen to complaints about her gastronomic fascism. That and the roar of the saliva flow as she pounds down burgers and chili half-smokes.

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