Another "mission accomplished" banner to hang in the Oval Office. And just think - that doesn't include the five million additional illegals O just illegally legalized with the stroke of his demidivine pen:
Aliens illegally holding jobs in the United States outnumber all unemployed people who are not in management, professional or related occupations as well as all unemployed who are twenty-five and older and who do not have a college degree, according to an estimate of “unauthorized workers” published by the Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration and employment data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Whew, they're not referring to me, since I am "twenty-five and older," unemployed, but DO have a college degree. For all the good it does me now. What a relief. At least I can rest easy knowing that Captain Comb-Over didn't replace me with Poncho Villa IV. Which he wouldn't have anyway, since he's specifically charged by the board of directors with being cravenly paranoid about any threat of legal liability.
Still and all, I wouldn't mind seeing that fat bastard deported, no matter his legal status or nationality. To, like, Venus.

It's not as though our sister planet couldn't use a grease infusion, after all.
The BLS only counts as “unemployed” people who have actively looked for a job in the past four weeks.
Which means that we no longer officially "exist," no matter how hard we continue to "actively look for a job". At least not until next April 15th, when we'll suddenly reappear on the Regime's sensors. Far be it from us to help make his infernal majesty look the slightest bit more like he should look - the scourge of besieged pristine, uncorrupted American capitalism and murdered American prosperity. The solace being that government classification as "persona non grata" also means - for now - being (mostly) left alone, because we've already been rendered powerless and neutralized as any kind of political or electoral threat - or economic threat to The One's newly imported and designated "working class".
“We estimate that the number of unauthorized workers grew from 4.8 million in 2000 to 8.0 million in 2007, the peak of the last business cycle,” the Office of the Chief Actuary of Social Security said in an analysis published in April 2013.
Understand that they're proud of this. They consider it an achievement.
And my son, whose old man can't subsidize even a community college or trade school berth for him, can't find a job to earn the money to gain the education/training to land a better one that also isn't there to be had. Pity he wasn't squeezed out of a senorita in Guadalajara or Managua and caught the Coyote Train northbound, huh? He might have some hope for an adult life. But no; he had to be born American when citizen status renders you forever to its second tier.
I had no idea that I was failing him by siring him. Where did I go wrong?
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