Remember when the Squire of Plains was going to have the best post-presidency ever? Remember when he actually did have one, constructing housing for the homeless through Habitat For Humanity? It was humble, selfless, Christian service from a man who had once been at the pinnacle of Western power, influence, and fame.
Then he attended President Nixon's 1994 funeral, and Rosalyn elbowed him about his humble, selfless, Christian service that she evidently thought would never get the thirty-ninth POTUS a state funeral like Tricky Dick received and that she clearly thought the thirty-seventh POTUS didn't deserve. And so began Sharkboy's third career as a roving goober plenipotentiary, an unauthorized, unwanted ambassador, a pain in the ass to his successors of both parties conducting his own personal foreign policy in blatant, ongoing, and never-once-prosecuted violation of the Logan Act.
Twenty-one years further along, Grins is ninety, and seems to have only one remaining purpose in life: to rag the Jews to his grave:
When it comes to blaming the victims of terror, however, it is Jimmy Carter who takes the prize. Appearing on the Daily Show Monday night, the man who’s been calling for the United States to negotiate with the genocidal terrorists of Hamas decided to share his thoughts on the causes behind the Charlie Hebdo massacre. He couldn’t help but list the “Palestinian problem” as one of the causes of the Islamic terror. The situation, he said, “aggravates people who are affiliated in any way with the Arab people who live in the West Bank and Gaza…what’s being done to them.”
i.e. being prevented from finishing the "project" Adolph Hitler started.
As four innocent Jews slaughtered in cold blood were laid to rest in Israel, a former President of the United States had the gall to point a finger at the Jewish State, just as was done by the Malian terrorist behind the massacre.
Mr. Carter. Four Jews buying bread in a kosher super market before the Sabbath are utterly unrelated to Israeli policy, be it good or bad. Do you seriously not know that?
How dare those kikes need to eat! Don't they know they're taking food out of the mouths of needy jihadists who could righteously slaughter them with the bioenergy it would provide them? And, for that matter, Israel! The unmitigated gall!
I have to wonder if Jon Stewart - real surname "Leibowitz" - had Carter on his show the other night to let his audience see what a senile, drooling, rambling old bigoted hatemonger really looks and sounds like. It's so much more devastatingly effective than any ridicule he could have come up with in one of his braying monologue segments.
Clearly, though, Pope Francis came along about forty years too late, because he would have been a pontiff after Mr. Peanut's own heart:
While stating forcefully that "one cannot kill in the name of God," Pope Francis said there should be limits in the practice of freedom of expression that bar things such as insults against faith.
Responding to a question related to the murders in Paris last week of journalists working for Charlie Hebdo magazine, the pope said first that religious liberty and liberty of expression are both "fundamental human rights."....
“One cannot offend, make war, kill in the name of one’s own religion — that is, in the name of God,” Francis said. “To kill in the name of God is an aberration.”
Depends on who your "god" is, Chico.
But as usual with this fake Peter, there's always a but.
But then the pope began to outline what he sees as important limits on free expression. Francis began by joking that if someone were to swear against his mother, “a punch awaits him.”
I can't wait to post that video.
Continuing more seriously, the pope said: “One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith.” “There is a limit,” he said. “Every religion has its dignity.”
Islam has no dignity, your Effluviance, just rabidity. Judaism and Christianity, contrastually, have been stripped of any and all dignity by leftwing scorn, ridicule, character assassination, and passive persecution to where only patience and longsuffering remain. Are you suggesting that the Brethren should start becoming less meek and more muscularly Petrine? Something tells me that's very unlikely.
Which leaves "muscular" dhimmism. Shut down not just quasi-pornographic satirical rags like CH, but any publication that depicts "the Prophet" in anything less than the highest repute. Which Francis has effectively encyclicled.
At least he didn't blame the Jews. But just give him time. He'll probably preside at Mr. Peanut's state funeral, after all. Rosalyn will make sure of it.
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