This follow-up to the Left's now-thoroughly discredited "rape culture" meme is an exercise in "social justice" arithmetical formulizing.
Take the "rape culture" meme, connect the White House's hand in stirring up Lena Dunham's smear tome and Rolling Stone's smear story, and you get today's revelation that the White House is not only not giving up on the "rape culture" meme, but they're actually stubbornly doubling down on it. How stubbornly? Look at the identity of the public sector entity that is point it out:
There are still multiple references to the one-in-five statistic on the White House website, including this January 2014 speech by President Obama, this White House Task Force report on sexual assault, and this “FACT SHEET” on protecting students from sexual assault.
The problem is there is nothing scientific about this number.
“Regardless of which studies are most accurate,” the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice webpage on measuring campus sexual assault reads, “the often-quoted statistic that one in four American college women will be raped during her college years is not supported by the scientific evidence.” [emphasis added]
When you have, in effect, Eric "The Red" Holder telling his boss that the "Rape Culture" and "War On Women" scams are done, defeat doesn't get any harder to deny than that. And yet the Obama White House is continuing to deny it. Which leads to the question of why that is. Are they that dishonest, even way past the point where it's fooling anybody, if it ever did? Are they that determined to insult the public's intelligence with a ludicrous claim that, were it actually true, would have been front page news a whole helluva lot sooner than this? Are they so delusional - and twisted - that they just can't let go of so cherished a propaganda angle? Do they want it to be true that badly, at the same time that they're completely and pointedly ignoring the real thing throughout the Muslim world? Or are they such hardcore totalitarians that they simply demand that reality conform to their Narrative, and believe that if Barack Obama continues to say publicly that "one in ever four or five American women will be raped during her college years," that the American people will mindlessly believe it, no matter how obvious it becomes that the public has tuned him out long ago?
Is the White House, in short, passing out to American men licenses to rape so that they can then eviscerate them?
On the other hand, maybe O is just too lazy to have whitehouse.gov updated.
Either that, or it's another website glitch. I'm sure his IT people will be right on it.
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