Friday, February 20, 2015

Immigration Threat Assessment

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution calls for the federal government to secure the national border, a necessary and proper action in order to protect the States from invasion.  Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution grants to the Congress of the United States the authority to pass legislation prohibiting certain persons from migrating into the United States, authorizing our immigration laws that include a screening process in order to protect the receiving population from immigrants that may carry disease, have a criminal background, or other incoming persons that may have violent ties to extremist groups or have a background of terrorist activity.

Immigration is a national security issue, but the current administration treats it as if it is a civil rights issue.  As far as the Democrat Party is concerned, purely for the purpose to gain votes they are losing because people are realizing the failure of liberal left policies, there shouldn't even be borders around our country.  Share and share alike, I suppose, until the destruction of our system is complete, and there is nothing left to share because the American System that made us prosperous as a nation has been dismantled.

Under the Obama administration, federal agencies tasked with keeping a tab on who enters the country, where they are, and any assessment of whether or not certain immigrant groups or particular persons pose a threat to the receiving population, have no idea where these people are, or the threat they may pose against our society.  What is worse, law enforcement and immigration authorities are being told to "catch and release" these persons if ever they are apprehended. When released, the expectation is that the illegal immigrant will return for a court appearance.  An ICE official told me last July during the Murrieta Protests that less than 5% of those released return for their court hearing.

Federal officials have to run their honor system regarding court dates on the word of the illegal aliens, because they don't have the manpower to track the immigrants.  ICE has no idea if the released illegal alien is committing crimes, or the location of their whereabouts.  Heck, federal agencies haven't even been able to keep track of the conditions in which they released the illegal immigrant in the first place.

There is also no effective medical screening.  They ask the illegal aliens if they have medical conditions, and then trust the answer without a thorough medical screening.  Again, there is just not enough manpower to be thorough.  And this is only regarding any illegal aliens the agencies have ever had in custody, and does not include the millions wandering around out there that may be infectious, violent, or prone to committing criminal acts, but have never been apprehended by authorities.

The solution?  Don't let them in in the first place!  It is dangerous to our society to leave our border wide open, and such a policy poses potential health dangers to not only ourselves, but to our children.  We have seen a recent rash of disease slamming our country, from an enterovirus, to an unknown strain of the flu, to measles, scabies, tuberculosis, and hand, foot, and mouth disease.

So, while the Obama administration is getting all caught up in the bureaucracy of trying to keep track of the few illegals they have come in contact with, millions roam our country carrying disease, committing crimes, and God help us when the Islamic jihad finally figures out how easy it is to cross into this country (they already have, but the organization of these groups are still shaky).

Then, if for some reason they do catch an illegal alien committing a crime, they release them again, anyways, because there isn't enough money to buy beds for all of the offenders.

Remember, in Murrieta last July they were trying to ship in a couple hundred illegal aliens a couple times a week into the facility on Madison Avenue that is only capable of handling about 40 persons at a time - with no bed, no private toilet, no shower facility, and no ability to feed these people.

But that isn't of any concern of the liberal left democrats trying to clamp down on more power.  Democrats are just happy to welcome the illegal aliens so that they can get them prepared to someday vote.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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