Monday, February 02, 2015

Iran's Missiles Could Hit U.S. With Nukes

by JASmius

There is an old saying, ladies and gentlemen: actions speak louder than words.  And while words are all that Barack Obama wants to offer - words of soothing friendship and alliance with the enemies who have shouted "Death to America!" for over a third of a century - the Iranian mullahgarchy's deeds clearly bolster, support, and advance their promises of our destruction:

Regardless of intelligence uncertainties and unknowns about Iran's nuclear weapons and missile programs, we know enough now to make a prudent judgment that Iran should be regarded by national security decision makers as a nuclear missile state capable of posing an existential threat to the United States and its allies.

On January 22nd, The Jerusalem Post reported that Iran deployed a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) "whose range far exceeds the distance between Iran and Israel, and between Iran and Europe." It was also shown on Israeli television.

Iran's development of an ICBM at this time would be consistent with unclassified U.S. intelligence community reports that in 2013 warned Iran could test an ICBM by 2015.

So the Obama White House has known for two years that Tehran was approaching ICBM break-out capability.  Yet they still inked that "interim" agreement in the fall of 2013 that gives the mullahs pretty much everything they've ever wanted while dismantling even the toothless, ineffective economic sanctions that we had in place against them.  Leading, of course, to the question of why Dear Leader refuses to deal with, confront, or even acknowledge this existential threat, and why he is so obsequiously eager and willing to swallow their transparent lies:

Iran and others claim the missile is not a military ICBM for delivering nuclear warheads but a peaceful Space Launch Vehicle (SLV) for orbiting satellites.

This is a distinction without a difference.

Iran has a demonstrated capability to orbit satellites weighing over a ton, which means it could also deliver a nuclear warhead against the U.S. or any nation on Earth. [emphasis added]

Oh, but it gets better - or worse, depending upon your point of few - as the mullahs appear to have thought their "space program" out very, very strategically:

Iran has orbited several satellites on south polar trajectories passing over the western hemisphere from south to north, as if practicing to elude U.S. Ballistic Missile Early Warning Radars and National Missile Defenses, which are oriented to detect and intercept threats coming from the north.

Moreover, the altitude of these satellites, if they were carrying a nuclear weapon detonated over the center of the U.S., was in all three cases near optimum for generating an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) field across all forty-eight contiguous United States. EMP could cause a protracted blackout of the national electric grid and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures.

The mullahs, in other words, don't need a nuclear arsenal to destroy us; all they need is one warhead, detonated in low orbit over our country.  And we will never see it coming.

I've said often, both here and on our internet and radio podcasts, going as far back as 2008, that I believe Iran already has nuclear weapons (plural), and that why they continually stall for time in these endless circle-jerking negotiations is not to develop a "bomb" but to build an arsenal of them that is bigger than Israel's, bigger than Pakistan's, and even bigger than our own, given the rate at which Barack Obama is throwing away the U.S. nuclear deterrent.

It's nice, in a gallows sort of way, to be vindicated by such august experts on the topic:

Iran has missiles capable of delivering a nuclear weapon, but does Iran have a nuclear warhead?

Seven years ago, in 2008, Mohammed ElBaradei, then director general of the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), warned that Iran could develop a nuclear weapon within six months. The IAEA nuclear watchdog has repeated this warning every year since.

On January 20th, 2014, former IAEA Deputy Director General Olli Heinonen warned that Iran could build a nuclear weapon in 2-3 weeks. He also acknowledged that this estimate is based only on Iran's known capabilitiesnot on what Iran may be capable of doing, or may already have done in secret facilities. Iran has underground facilities suspected of being used for nuclear weapons development to which the IAEA has repeatedly been denied access.

Nonetheless, IAEA has discovered Iran has experimented with implosion technology, necessary for making more sophisticated nuclear weapons. IAEA also discovered plans for a nuclear warhead that could fit on Iran's missiles. [emphases added]

The mullahs' intentions couldn't be more obvious than the nose on Barbara Streisand's face, could they?  And yet Barack Obama (and, to be fair - although I don't know why I'm bothering to do so - George W. Bush before him, to a lesser extent) continues doing everything in his power to seemingly aid, abet, and facilitate Iran's entrance into the "nuclear club".  Almost as if his interminable "diplomatic outreach" is a garish manifestation of the Obama Doctrine:

Even if three hundred million Americans have to perish to accomplish it.

And for those who object that the Iranians can't have nukes because they haven't tested them yet, and bequeath upon you the punchline:

Nor is it necessary for Iran to test a nuclear weapon in order to develop a missile warhead.

Israel, we know from the defection of Israeli nuclear scientist Mordechai Vanunu and other sources, developed a sophisticated array of nuclear weapons, including missile warheads, without testing. South Africa, too, before dismantling its nuclear arsenal, deployed nuclear weapons and designed a missile nuclear warhead without testing.

However, Iran and North Korea are strategic allies. Iranian scientists reportedly have participated in North Korea's nuclear tests.

If Iran does not yet have nuclear weapons, it will be the first nation to go through the great trouble and expense of developing an ICBM capability without first having nuclear warheads to make the missile militarily useful. [emphasis added]

To draw this to a terrifying close, the Islamic Empire of Iran, which has declared its sacred intent to wipe both the United States and Israel off the map, now has the means of doing so.  Perhaps many times over.  And "overkill" is a concept that I have to think the mullahs find very, very appealing.

Exit question: So who's "crazy"?  The people who declare their intention to wipe out our civilization, and set systematically about to gain the means of doing so?  Or the people who see the evidence right before their eyes and turn a blind eye to it, and even embrace it as the grisly, fiery fate their own civilization "deserves"?

UPDATE: Alan Dershowitz elaborates:

I must differ with Professor Dershowitz on his assertion that Barack Obama is going down as the "twenty-first-century Neville Chamberlain".  Chamberlain was a stubborn pacifist in his appallingly repeated diplomatic outreaches and overtures to Adolph Hitler, and it took him a dreadfully long time to admit he was wrong, but after the fall of France in the spring of 1940 and the onset of the Battle of Britain, he did admit his grievous error that plunged the world into the most disastrous global conflict to date, and closed ranks behind the "warmongering" Winston Churchill.  Does anybody ever see Barack Obama offering up anything remotely resembling such a mea culpa where the Iranian mullahgarchy is concerned?  Even after we get EMP'd?

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