Sunday, February 15, 2015

Islamic Terror Strikes Copenhagen, Denmark

By Douglas V. Gibbs

What we know so far. . .

- Two attacks committed.

- Suspected connected gunman killed by police.

- Cafe shooting: One Dead, Two Injured.

- Synagogue shooting: One worshiper dead, two police wounded.

- Connection between two shootings unclear.  This writer suspects Islam.

- Cafe shooting was the site of a free speech debate, a debate specifically regarding "blasphemy" against the false prophet Muhammad.

Known details. . .

According to reports, at least one gunman attacked a crowd at a Copenhagen cafe, shooting and killing one.  Police believe the attack was likely Islamic Terrorism motivated due to the subject matter of the debate being conducted at the Cafe.  The event was regarding free speech, specifically regarding an artist who had caricatured the false prophet Muhammad.  After the shooting, the gunman fled, still carrying his automatic firearm. The name of the free speech event was, "Art, blasphemy and freedom of expression." The likely target, Swedish artist Lars Vilks, is not a stranger to being attacked.  Attempts on his life began after he depicted Muhammad as a dog in 2007.  Vilks was the person who organized the Saturday Cafe event.

A Pennsylvania woman last year got a 10-year prison term for a plot to kill Vilks. In 2010, two brothers tried to burn down his house in southern Sweden and were imprisoned for attempted arson.

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