There are those who don't want power, even to resurrect an "empire of liberty," and then there are those who crave power like a vampire does blood - and know exactly how to use it:
The president is expected to take questions Wednesday directly from [illegal aliens] at the taping of an event at Florida International University that will later air nationally on Miami-based Telemundo and sister network MSNBC.
In other words, he's already campaigning for their votes.
Though billed as a “town hall,” tickets for Wednesday’s private event were distributed by organizers and not made publicly available.
The usual stacked Obama rally audience. God forbid that he actually have to take opposing questions that would make him look like the tinpot he really is.
The first Obama immigration order, signed in 2012 and known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, remains in effect. The second, signed in November to expand DACA and establish Deferred Action for Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents, or DAPA, was halted in Texas as part of a lawsuit filed by twenty six states, including Florida.
The injunction against which remains in place, as U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen refused to lift it. At least there's somebody in a position to stop this despotic power grab that understands and is willing to defend the Constitution and the rule of law. Though the Obama Regime will naturally appeal it up the federal court system, nonsensically insisting that, "The law in on our side" and "The president is acting within his legal authority" every step of the way.
Just as an aside, and speaking of nonsense of the most brazen kind from a POTUS who himself said on over two dozen occasions that he did not possess the legal authority to do what he is doing now, get a load of his latest euphemism for illegals:

"Americans in waiting". Except they're not legally Americans, and therefore not Americans at all, and never will be until they go home and apply legally for admittance and work through the process of naturalization.
But then, the law no longer matters anymore, now does it? Except for whatever comes out of the dictator's mouth, pen, and phone, which will be rigorously enforced:
MR. DIAZ-BALART: But what are the consequences? Because how do you ensure that ICE agents or Border Patrol won’t be deporting people like this? I mean, what are the consequences?
OBAMA: Jose, look, the bottom line is, is that if somebody is working for ICE and there is a policy and they don’t follow the policy, there are going to be consequences to it. So I can’t speak to a specific problem. What I can talk about is what’s true in the government, generally. In the U.S. military, when you get an order, you’re expected to follow it. It doesn’t mean that everybody follows the order. If they don’t, they’ve got a problem. And the same is going to be true with respect to the policies that we’re putting forward. [emphasis added]
"I order you to follow my unlawful commands - or else." Because Barack Hussein Obama IS the law because he's got all the power, and therefore doesn't need any "racist white European" foolishness like constitutional legal authority. And therefore, illegal aliens are all that matter, and three hundred million American citizens do not.
And if Border Patrol personnel refused to a man to carry out O's illegal decree? He'd just fire 'em all, Border Patrol union or no Border Patrol union - hey, President Reagan fired the air traffic controllers back in the day, right? - and replace them with loyal drones who would. Heck, he'd probably replace them with illegals.
Y'see, Senator McConnell, this is what "serious" looks like when combined with "evil". You've got "good" in you - your voting record proves it. Now it's time for you and your party to get serious, and stop hiding behind Judge Hanen's robes.
Like I wrote mere moments ago, this is your last chance.
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