Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Representative Peter King: Jordanian Pilot's Burning By ISIS Is 'Savagery'

by JASmius

A picture is worth a thousand degrees, as the old saying goes.  But Pete King pontificated anyway, and didn't do a bad descriptive job under the circumstances:

As Jordanians demanded revenge Tuesday against the Islamic State (ISIS) for the torching of a pilot [Mu'ath Safi Yousef al-Kaseasbeh] the jihadists captured in December, Representative Peter King told Newsmax that the brutal murder proved the group to be nothing more than "absolute animals."

"They're disgusting. This is the worst type of atrocity imaginable," said the New York-2 Republican, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee. "We thought the beheadings were as far as one could go. To go beyond that, to burning someone alive, this is savagery.

"It shows what animals we are up against," King added. "These are not people you can negotiate with. These are not people who in any way you can reason with.

"You have to destroy them. You have to kill them."

I can't improve upon that.

Another Pete provided the broader context of the predicament we face:

Former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra cautioned that ISIS has been killing thousands of people throughout the Mideast.

"This is not an isolated case," he told Newsmax. "This is the case that is grabbing the headlines, but on a daily basis, these folks are killing people all over the Middle East. This is a barbaric organization.

"The high-visibility cases help define who they are, but the West has to recognize that this is going on every single day in areas that are controlled by ISIS," Hoekstra added. "It's just that the vast numbers of executions they are carrying out just aren't receiving the same kind of visibility that these have.

"In many cases, they are just locals or Iraqis," he said. "But this is who they are."

The Jordanians, incensed, have already executed the ISIS prisoners they were going to exchange for al-Kaseasbeh.  Which goes to prove that they have more honor than Barack Hussein Obama does, as, despite how idiotic it's making him look, he still cannot bring himself to publicly acknowledge the transparently obvious fact that the Islamic State is, well, Islamic:

“Whatever ideology they’re operating off of, uh, it’s bankrupt.”  It's almost as if, having grown up in and with that same "ideology" himself, he can't bring himself to admit that it is an "ideology" that worships death, both self-inflicted and forced upon others en masse in the cruellest, most savage ways conceivable.  Heck, ISIS actually produced documents showing how Islam’s prophet Muhammad burned people alive to justify the tactic of terror.  It's straight out of the Qu'ran.

Remember when The One said this?:

Islamic Fundies would consider it "slandering the Prophet of Islam" if anybody questioned burning captive "infidels" alive.  Because that is precisely what the mass-murdered, drug-addled, pedophilic "Prophet of Islam" did.  And that is what Barack Hussein Obama has been implicitly endorsing for years.  And now it is becoming impossible even for him to convincingly deny.

Yet they keep on denying it:

Today, we join the people of Jordan in grieving the loss of one of their own, First Lieutenant Moaz al-Kasasbeh, cruelly and brutally killed by ISIL terrorists. On behalf of the American people, I offer my deepest condolences to Lieutenant al-Kasasbeh’s family and loved ones, to the brave men and women of the Jordan Armed Forces, and to King Abdullah II and the people of Jordan.

Lieutenant al-Kasasbeh will forever personify the bravery of a true son of Jordan, one who honored his family and country by his seven years of military service. Along with his compatriots and other Arab and international members of the coalition, Lieutenant al-Kasasbeh was in the vanguard of the effort to degrade and defeat the threat posed by ISIL.

Lieutenant al-Kasasbeh’s dedication, courage, and service to his country and family represent universal human values that stand in opposition to the cowardice and depravity of ISIL, which has been so broadly rejected around the globe. As we grieve together, we must stand united, respectful of his sacrifice to defeat this scourge. Today, the coalition fights for everyone who has suffered from ISIL’s inhumanity. It is their memory that invests us and our coalition partners with the undeterred resolve to see ISIL and its hateful ideology banished to the recesses of history.

Leaving aside for a moment why on Earth an entire global coalition is needed to crush a jihadist gang of several tens of thousands, here again we see the stubborn unwillingness to actually name the "hateful ideology" animating ISIS's "inhumanity".  And if we cannot even bring ourselves to identify our enemy, how can anybody believe that we will do what is necessary to "kill and destroy" them?  Not "degrade," but wipe them out like the vermin they are?

I can just see the plaintive back-channel message O is doubtless sending to "Caliph" al-Baghdadi even now, begging him to stick to conduct his grisly and fiery mass murders without "grabbing headlines".  Which means there are plenty more headlines to be grabbed, and horrifying "infidel" deaths to come.

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