Saturday, March 21, 2015

As The Hill-Mail Turns

by JASmius

Hey, look, everybody!  House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC4) has "formally requested" that Hillary Clinton turn over her "private" email server!  Yay!  Now we'll finally get to the bottom of this latest Donk scandal!  Just like the GOP has gotten to the bottom of every, never mind.  Besides which, leave us not forget that Gowdy has known about Her Nib's cyberimperiousness for over six months and is only engaging in the kabuki theater of "investigating" it now after the Obama White House leaked it.  Kind of like forcing a losing hand.

No, my friends, what interests me is the fact that the same Obama Regime that embarrassed Mrs. Clinton in a "transparent" attempt to hamstring her relentless presidential ambitions before they could fire up again is now saying that they're not going to lift a finger to enforce the laws that she openly and flagrantly broke:

The Department of Justice says the federal government has no responsibility under the Freedom of Information Act to produce emails sent or received by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on a privately maintained account, Politico reported Friday.

Put another way, if you break a federal law that forbids you from conducting government business via private means, you "own" the evidence of your lawbreaking and are entitled to obstruct justice by destroying it.

Larry Klayman, a veteran lawyer and founder of the conservative watchdog group Freedomwatch, is asking a federal appellate court to subpoena the computer server used by Clinton to house the private email address she used as secretary of state....

Which is pointless because the Regime will never enforce it.

In its filings, the DOJ says the FOIA law "creates no obligation for an agency to search for and produce records that it does not possess and control."

An irrelevant argument since Mr. Klayman is not seeking any of DOJ's records, but Mrs. Clinton's.  And besides, they're an investigative agency; it's their job to find and recover evidence.

Just, apparently, not when a Democrat is the accused.

Klayman's effort to subpoena Clinton's email server is unwarranted, the department argues.

"Plaintiff provides no basis, beyond sheer speculation, to believe that former Secretary Clinton withheld any work-related emails from those provided to the Department of State," the agency says.

What a delightfully cynical and circular argument.  So Mr. Klayman has to provide the federal appellate court with the 32,000 emails Mrs. Clinton deleted in order to have a "basis" to subpoena the 32,000 emails she deleted.  Man, you have to grudgingly admire the chutzpah of these filthbags, dontcha?

Sure, circumstantial evidence isn't the best evidence, but it's still sufficient to comply with a subpoena for Hillary's email server on which the 32,000 irretrievably deleted emails once resided.  What, does DOJ think that she might have botched that as well?  And is this not DOJ's own brand of obstruction of justice?

Yes!  It!  Is!

Several organizations who say their FOIA requests were "mishandled" because of Clinton's use of a private email server are seeking relief in court, but no court has provided relief or scheduled a hearing on the matter, Politico reported Friday.

Meaning the courts are in on this, too.

Still and all, doesn't it seem contradictory that one tentacle of the Obama Regime is trying to ruin Mrs. Clinton while another one is trying to protect her?  It would seem to me that whichever strategy was most likely to terminate Hillary!'16 is the one the White House would pursue.  Taking her out quickly and decisively would be the simplest way to go, but with those 32,000 emails deleted, DOJ may have doubts about whether they could make a case against her stick.  So the next best thing would be to drag out the scandal while still keeping it at a sufficient high-rolling boil to hamstring the Dragon going forward.

And we can't lose sight of the fact that if the Obama Regime sets the precedent of actually investigating a Clinton scandal, that reopens all the worm cans of their own.  A case of "letting sleeping dogs lie".

O's objective here is, above all else, to deny Hillary Clinton the presidency.  If he can jail her at the same time, that's gravy, but he's clearly not taking his eyes of the proverbial prize.

Exit question: Imagine if Trey Gowdy had any power and actually gave a damn about all of this?  It could actually be interesting.

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