Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Dick Durbin: Loretta Lynch = Rosa Parks

by JASmius

Is it too much to ask for one of the Senate's fifty-four Republican members to haul off and punch Ali Dickbar al-Durbini right in the mouth?:

The second-ranking Senate Democrat is accusing Republicans of putting the president’s attorney general nominee “in the back of the bus.”

Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois made the comment on the Senate floor Wednesday as he criticized the GOP over the delay in confirming Loretta Lynch. She would become the nation’s first black female attorney general.

Lynch was nominated last fall and Durbin says the delay is unfair and unjust, although Democrats were in control of the Senate for some of that time.

The delay is neither unfair nor unjust.  The Senate is not obligated to exercise its constitutional advice and consent function on the White House's time table.  Nor is the Senate obligated to confirm Miss Lynch if the majority chooses not to.  Congress, despite what Red Barry appears to believe, is NOT subordinate to and does NOT work for him - or, at least, it's not supposed to be that way.  And in any case, Double-D's party is NOT in the majority.

And that, of course, is why Durbin is tiresomely slandering the GOP with this racist garbage.  If the Dems still ran the Senate, Lynch would already have been rammed through, but since they don't, and the filibuster can only be used to obstruct the majority's will, not compel them to do the minority's bidding, they're pretty much stuck.  Which does not prevent The One from simply installing Miss Lynch at DOJ anyway regardless of what the Senate decides, although he doesn't have any particular need to do so since Eric "The Red" Holder will hold that spot in the interim and he can get his jollies playing his cherished "race card" directly or vicariously through minions like Durbin.  Yeah, it sucks for her, but there are only two things she's really good for to her would-be patron anyway - her vagina and her generous pigmentation - and she'd do well not to forget it.

But I'm not kidding about, say, Mike Lee hauling off and belting Durbin, right on the Senate floor.  Sure, sulfuric statements can be issued, and a motion of censure can be filed, which would only earn Republicans further criticism for "violating the Senate's tradition of comity and collegiality," despite it being Durbin who slandered the majority as neosegregationists.  So if our guys and gals are going to get slimed no matter what they do, why not do what honor demands?  Why keep taking this bleep day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year?  And what more appropriate provocation than this one on which to send a literally pugilistic message?

Or, if you prefer, have Joni Ernst of Iowa kick Durbin in the groin.  Assuming he even has one.

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