Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Homeland Security Releases 165,900 Criminal Illegals

by JASmius

As former hall of fame Seattle Mariners broadcaster, the late Dave Niehaus, once said, "It just continues, my, oh, my":

Judicial Watch on Monday released documents showing that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released 165,900 illegal aliens, some of whom had been convicted of violent crimes.

The release of seventy six pages of documents showed that as of April 26th, 2014, the illegal aliens had been released throughout the United States. Crimes included such serious offenses as homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault.

That number, added to another 30,000 released in the past fiscal year, brings the total to 195,900. [emphases added]

That is sixty two murderers, rapists, kidnappers, robbers, muggers, and murder-attempters for every county, and ten for every last city and town, in the U.S., in case you were wondering.  All of them, no doubt, with "diplomatic immunity" or some other form or means of Regime-provided and -enforced impunity.

The documents were released as a result of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch on July 21st, 2014. Judicial Watch filed the suit after the Department of Homeland Security failed to respond to a May 15th, 2014, FOIA request.

Given that the Obama White House has declared itself immune from FOIA lawsuits, this disclosure has to be considered a major miracle.  Either that or Obamnesty is considered such a fait accompli by now that they don't care what the public finds out about it.

"These documents show the Obama administration is lying when it says that its 'enforcement priorities' include deporting illegal aliens who have committed heinous crimes," Fitton said.

The Obama Regime lies about everything - except when wooing America's enemies, in which case The One is honest to a fault.

Judicial Watch said the ICE documents confirm a May 2014 Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) report showing that in 2013 ICE freed 36,007 convicted criminal aliens, who had nearly 88,000 convictions. Those included 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual assault convictions, and 303 kidnapping convictions, according to Judicial Watch.

Judicial Watch's press release called those releases "the tip of the iceberg," and quoted from a DHS document marked "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY" on figures reported through April 26th, 2014"

Non-Detained Final Order Convicted CRIMINAL 165,950
Non-Detained Final Order NON CRIMINAL 706,950
Non-Detained Final Order TOTAL 872,900

The thing that most catches my eye about this story is not just the number - almost two hundred thousand violent illegal alien criminals turned loose into the American heartland - but that it almost sounds like the Regime has deliberately distributed them around the country.  Why, the reasonable and rational person asks, would Obama order such a thing?  And the only logical answer that comes back is that it is (1) intentional "punishment" of "white America" for all of his "historical sins"; (2) a deliberate attempt to destabilize American society with a wave of crime and chaos; (3) stimulate the "white racism impulse" that the White House is positive lurks in the heart of every "person of Caucasian ancestry"; (4) bring accordingly about the coast-to-coast race war (goading and dragging black Americans into the fray as well) that would enable his imperial majesty to declare nationwide martial law; and, of course, (5) empower all the illegals to vote - mandatorily - and suppress the white vote at the same time.

And just think: All of the above was "accomplished" long before the Immigration Proclamation.  Which means this trend is going to get much, much worse, very, very quickly.

Oh, and remember above where I made mention of the Obamunists never being truthful with its enemies?  That includes telling the ceremonial advisory council (Congress) that what the Regime does is none of its damned business:

In an email from May 14th, 2014, House Homeland Security Subcommittee Counsel Valerie Baldwin wrote to ICE Executive Associate Director Thomas Holman about the subcommittee's frustration over what it called ICE's stonewalling of information on the criminal alien release policies.

"At the ICE hearing and throughout the data call on ICE's budget request, we've requested data on the make-up of the non-detained ATD [Alternatives to Detention] docket, specifically as it relates to violent crimes," Baldwin wrote. "I'm wondering why the Washington Times and Washington Post have more information on the ATD population than the Chairman and the other members of the subcommittee."

Simple, Miss Baldwin - you and the Chairman and the other members of the subcommittee aren't entitled to it.  Indeed, who the hell do you people think you are?  An independent, and the pre-eminent, branch of the federal government per Article I of the United States Constitution?  No, you are insolent, irrelevant minions and underlings of his majesty, King Hussein, and the only reason any of you - and the rest of us - are still breathing is because he allows it.

Those who cross that line will be dealt with accordingly by "random" acts of violence from Barack Obama's ad hoc "civilian national security force".

Hey, he never said they couldn't be "imported" muscle....

UPDATE: Hope for Mexifornia?:

At a pro-illegal immigration event held at USC in Los Angeles, California, that was being conducted in Spanish only, Representative Luis Gutierrez (D-IL4) was met with shouts of “communist” and “traitor.”

These are not altogether baseless smears. Gutierrez was a member of the Socialist Party in Puerto Rico during the 80s.

From 1984-86 Gutierrez, a Democrat, served as an adviser to Mayor Harold Washington of Chicago. In 1986 Gutierrez was elected alderman of that city’s mostly-Hispanic 26th Ward. At the time, he was a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party, a Marxist-Leninist entity.

The question is, is this just an isolated instance of local resistance, or is there actually still a threshold beyond which a State as woebegone left-wing as California cannot be pushed without triggering a massive backlash?  I'd still bet on the former, personally.

Exit observation: Didja notice what the illegals were chanting?:

At the same event, illegal immigrants shouted the slogan “¡Sí se puede!” – Spanish for “Yes, it can be done!” or “Yes, you can do it!”

Sounds awfully close to "Yes!  We!  Can!", doesn't it?  Jus' sayin'.

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