Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Iran's Atomic Clock

by JASmius

Tick tock….tick tock....:

In an address in Tehran on March 21st, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei responded to the crowds’ chants of “Death to America” by saying: “Death to America, of course, because America is the principal element behind this pressure [i.e., the economic sanctions].” Khamenei said that Obama had said “some dishonest things” in his Nowruz address and that the American goal was “to turn the [Iranian] people against the system.” The address was broadcast on the Iranian news channel IRINN.

If Benjamin Netanyahu had said anything like this, Obama would already have ordered DEF-CON-1 and be targeting Israeli cities on Ali Khamenei's behalf.  But it's his bosom pal the Supreme Ayatollah, so it's no big deal:

[R]ight on cue, the administration dismissed Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s chant of “death to America” as merely for “domestic” consumption. Pause. Face palm. The contrast is striking.

But we don’t stop there. The New York Times tells us that the administration has given away so much that even the hard-liners in Iran are pleased. (Many of us reject the notion of hard-liners and moderates, but for those who buy that narrative, the report is stunning.) The report tells us:

The restraint by the hard-liners also reflects a general satisfaction, analysts say, with the direction of the talks and the successes Iran is enjoying, extending and deepening its influence in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen....

“We will have no letters or other nonsense that we are witnessing in the United States,” Hamid Reza Taraghi, a political strategist with close ties to Ayatollah Khamenei, said, referring to a letter forty-seven Republican senators sent to Iran’s leaders warning them that any deal on their nuclear program could be reversed by Mr. Obama’s successor. “Iran speaks with one voice.”

Mr. Taraghi said the muzzle would remain in place as long as the negotiations seemed to be progressing. “Fact of the matter is that we are seeing positive changes in the U.S. position in the nuclear talks,” he said. “We are steadfast and the U.S. is compromising. We are not complaining.”

So much for the argument that the Republican co-signers of an open letter were helping the hard-liners. No, that is Obama’s job. [emphases added]

What could Obama possibly be thinking?  Well, y'all know what I think - that Barack Obama is pro-Iranian, pro-jihadist, and virulently anti-Semitic and anti-Israel.  But Dr. Krauthammer has an interesting tangential theory:

Columnist Charles Krauthammer said that President Obama thinks “”somehow he’s going to pacify the Middle East as a partner of Iran,” on Monday’s O’Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel.

“ISIS is being slowed or stopped or stymied in Iraq, well, that is not by us. That is by Iran. Iranian troops, Iranian commanders. Iranian — well, Iraqi Shiite militias, which are [under the command of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard]…as the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia said, Iraq is being handed over into the hands of Iran. That’s the — that’s the Obama policy” he stated. Krauthammer added that Obama thinks “somehow he’s going to pacify the Middle East as a partner of Iran,” and cited President Obama’s statement to NPR that Iran could be a “successful regional power.”

He continued that Obama “does have a very strange serenity about the meltdown, the fact that we are being driven out of our last [holdout] in Yemen…that Iran is now taking our place in Iraq. He does have this sort of strange detachment, but I think he thinks this is, against reality and against what everybody in the region is thinking, that he is a strategic genius, and that the Iran nuclear deal is not just intended, as you were implying, as a distraction from the failure in the war on terror, but it is a solution to our losing the war on terror. He thinks that he is going to do a Nixon to China. He is going to be the man to develop the entente, the understanding, the condominium with Iran to run the Arab Middle East. We will join with them, we’re going to recognize their presence, their dominance in Iraq, in Syria, in Lebanon, and now in Yemen as — and that will be the reward for having cut a deal with us on nuclear weapons.” [emphases added]

In essence, Barack Obama is appeasing the mullahs to accept our appeasement - "Here, take hegemony over the Middle East as our gift for allowing you to build your nuclear arsenal."  Am I going out on any sort of limb to suggest that this is a magnitude of capitulationism that was beyond even Neville Chamberlain's ken?

Iran getting nukes and overrunning the Middle East; Russia preparing to overrun Europe and eradicate NATO - Is it unreasonable to wonder whether any of us are going to be even alive for much longer? (I'd have said "free," but we here in Obamerikastan haven't been free for over six years)?

It's like this scene from the A-Team movie (at about the 2:01 mark):

Life in 2015 is like living in a disaster movie before the disaster hits.  But when it does hit, it ain't going to be any movie, because in real life the "good guys" rarely win, and our government no longer has any such leadership.

No wonder Dr, K concluded:

"You talk to anyone from Saudi Arabia, from the Emirates, from Egypt, of course the Israelis, anybody in the region, and they’re the ones who are saying what I’m saying, that they are being betrayed.”

And it isn't just them, either.

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