Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Obama Plotting New Executive Order To Raise Taxes By $100 Billion

by JASmius

The despot is really feeling his oats after having crushed the GOP beneath his heel on his unlawful amnesty decree, huh?:

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest confirmed Monday that President Obama is “very interested” in the idea of raising taxes through unilateral executive action.

“The president certainly has not indicated any reticence in using his executive authority to try and advance an agenda that benefits middle class Americans,” Earnest said in response to a question about Sen. Bernie Sanders (S-VT) calling on Obama to raise more than $100 billion in taxes through IRS executive action.

“Now I don’t want to leave you with the impression that there is some imminent announcement, there is not, at least that I know of,” Earnest continued. “But the president has asked his team to examine the array of executive authorities that are available to him to try to make progress on his goals. So I am not in a position to talk in any detail at this point, but the president is very interested in this avenue generally,” Earnest finished.

Why be so coy about it, Josh?  Those executive decrees are being drawn up as we speak.  Heck, they were probably drawn up after the 2014 election at the same time as the Immigration Proclamation.  Oh, let's be brutally honest about this: they were probably drawn up over six years ago, just waiting for Red Barry's whim.  And now that time has arrived.

Has it ever occurred to any of you how accustomed we've become to this rampaging tyranny that it's getting difficult to even muster any cynicism about them anymore?  I've been calling Barack Obama a dictator for years now, and it is open and overt now, and nobody seems to bat an eyelash about it.  And those of us that do can only do so in helpless impotence, because not only does our party not have the balls to oppose it, but they lack the power to do so even if they had the courage to make the attempt.  If, instead of meekly waving the White Flag today, House Republicans had re-passed the "unclean" DHS appropriation defunding Obamnesty, and the Senate totally reversed course after a Mitch McConnell nuke of the filibuster and passed it in turn and sent it to the White House for The One's veto - done everything they possibly could to stop the White House in its tracks - nothing would have changed.  The Regime is implementing amnesty regardless of the Constitution, regardless of the law, regardless of the will of We, The People, Congress, AND the federal courts.  Exactly how they've decreed all the "tweaks" to ObamaCare (think they'll obey the SCOTUS if they strike down federal subsidies?  Not even if the ruling is unanimous, folks) and abused the EPA to impose cap & trade by executive diktat, etc., etc. etc.  So why not order the IRS to just levy a hundred billion more in taxes a year and dismiss Congress as the ceremonial afterthought that it now is?  Why let separation of powers and the electorally-expressed will of the people get in the way of the Almighty, All-Powerful, Must-Be-Enforced-At-Any-Cost Agenda?  Clearly that's the mindset of the Left now: "[BLEEP] the people, [BLEEP] the opposition, [BLEEP] anybody who stands in our way.  Barack Obama is UNSTOPPABLE!!!"

And they're absolutely right.

Never mind Josh Earnest's BS "It's for the middle class" twaddle, as though bludgeoning job creators into laying off more employees is good for the economy.  The individual issues don't really matter that much anymore; it's the process that must be saved.  The rule of law.  What used to be known, and accepted, as "The Law Of The Land".  Because in 2015, The Law Of The Land is not the United States Constitution, but Barack Hussein Obama's hardcore radical ideological whim.  And until his tyranny is overthrown, nothing else - no issue, no policy, no election - is going to matter one single solitary "smidgen".


Which leaves the fatal question, one I've posed before and continue to ask: How do we use the law to rein in a lawless dictator whose lawlessness enjoys the hearty approval of at least half the country?

If anybody has any eurekas of brilliance, leave 'em in the comments.  I'll consider (almost) anything at this point.

UPDATE: Can't believe I left out Article I, Section 7, Clause 1: "All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills."

Evidently, O has penciled out "House of Representatives" and substituted "White House".

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