Friday, March 06, 2015

University Of California Students Remove American Flag As "Hate Speech"

by JASmius

Think about this the next time Barack Obama or any other Democrat demagogues that higher education is "underfunded":

The Associated Students of University of California, Irvine (ASUCI) voted Tuesday to remove all flags, including American flags, from an inclusive space on campus because of their offensive nature.

The bill, R50-70, was authored by Social Ecology Representative Matthew Guevara, and accuses all flags, especially, the American flag, of being “symbols of patriotism or weapons for nationalism.”

"Social ecology"?  Seriously?  And yet that sounds exactly like what Mr. Guevara (middle name "Che"?) is pursuing.

That's a euphemism for "cultural cleansing," in case you were wondering.

“[F]lags construct paradigms of conformity and sets [sic] homogenized standards for others to obtain which in this country typically are idolized as freedom, equality, and democracy,” the bill reads.

"Freedom is conformity".  Makes perfect "social ecological" sense, doesn't it?

The legislation argues that flags may be interpreted differently; the American flag, for example, can represent “American exceptionalism and superiority,” as well as oppression.

"Liberty is oppression".  Makes perfect "soc..." oh, you get the idea.

“[T]he American flag has been flown in instances of colonialism and imperialism,” the bill continues, arguing that “symbolism has negative and positive aspects that are interpreted differently by individuals.”

Not individuals who have not been brainwashed to hate their country and everything it stands for.

The anti-flag hanging bill adds that free speech, such as flags in inclusive spaces, can be interpreted as hate speech.

“[F]reedom of speech, in a space that aims to be as inclusive as possible[,] can be interpreted as hate speech,” the bill reads.

"Free speech is hate speech".  Which means that free speech must be destroyed, and only speech that the fellow-travelers at UC-Irvine agree with will be tolerated.

And the "haters" won't be far behind, I'm guessing.

Exit question: Any way I can get this post tattooed on the inside of Mr. Guevara's eyelids?

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