Can we not all finally agree that the Lavender Lobby is a hate group?:
When Indiana Passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act this week liberals and the LGBT community acted like it was the authorization for a gay holocaust. Far from promoting discrimination, the law simply protects individuals’ religious beliefs. For example: a family owned Pizzeria in Indiana has said their beliefs wouldn’t allow them to cater a gay wedding. As you can imagine the Gaystapo came after this poor family with everything they have including death threats. Ironically, the threats against the Pizzeria prove why religious freedom needs to be protected.
Today, Memories Pizza in Indiana, owned and run by the O’Connor family, became the bane of the Internet. The family had the gall to tell a local news broadcast that their religious beliefs would keep them from catering a same-sex wedding. They added that they wouldn’t discriminate against gay people that wanted service in the restaurant, just that they don’t believe in gay marriage. [emphasis added]
The twenty-first century unforgivable "sin".
Ignoring the fact that people have the right to believe what they want to believe.... long as they believe in sodomarriage....
....and that no wedding, gay or straight, would cater with pizza, the gay community went bonkers. The restaurant was inundated with crank calls and threats, Yelp users slandered the hell out of this family owned business. Then at least one death threat came in.
See above Tweet. Sounds like a convincing case for abolishing social media, doesn't it? And, you know, homosexuality itself, it being the Nazism of our time and all. Which reminds me, I'm still waiting for the Gaystapo to start demanding that mosques perform "gay" weddings. Funny how that keeps not happening.
So it’s ignorant to believe in religious freedom, but enlightened to threaten arson and death against people for their religious beliefs?
Yep, that about sums it up.
Remind me who the intolerant ones are here....
Why, Christians of course. Didn't you get the memo?
Please understand what has happened here. A family of Christians that are opposed to gay marriage has possibly had their business and livelihood destroyed in less than a day. Did they discriminate against anyone? No. Did they cause damage to anyone? No. All they did was make a public statement about their religious beliefs. And for that, they are ruined.
Because Christians have no rights. Because we ALL MUST be homosexuals now. And any who disagree will perish. Right, Jess?
Still don’t think a law that protects people’s religious beliefs is needed?
Only if you're an "intolerant h8ter".
Ace reminds us of the eight steps of "liberal" extremism:
1. It's a free country, X should not be illegal.
2. The Constitution prohibits X from being made illegal.
3. If the Constitution protects a right to X, how can it be immoral? Anyone who disagrees is a bigot.
4. If X is a Constitutional right, how can we deny it to the poor? Taxpayer money must be given to people to get X.
5. The Constitution requires that taxpayer money be given to people to get X.
6. People who refuse to participate in X are criminals.
7. People who publicly disagree with X are criminals.
And step #8? You know what that is....

I don't know about y'all, but I'm seeing less and less of a difference between the gaystapo and the Islamic State. I really am.
Know who agrees with me on that? The Gay Patriot:
Some will say, “It’s just words; there’s no actual threat of violence.” As we have seen, it didn’t take long for chants of “What do we want? Dead Cops” to become actual dead cops. The road from threats of violence against Christians to actual violence against Christians is also a short one; particularly when the media and the culture are cheering it on. “It’s just the market at work,” say the socialists; because, obviously, death, violence, and arson threats are just part of the invisible hand of free enterprise.
The gay left has decided that Christians do not have rights. They have no right to refuse to participate in gay weddings. They have no right to even express opposition to gay marriage. Once it gets decided that certain people can have rights taken away from them by those who have power, violence follows inevitably.
Just imagine, for a second, if a gay-owned business had been forced to close because Christians threatened to burn it down and murder its employees.
The gay left has become the KKK, in 600 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets. [emphasis added]
Couldn't put it better myself.
Senator Ted Cruz gets the last word.
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