Wednesday, April 15, 2015

ObamaCare Tax Rules Cost Economy Billions

by JASmius

Hundreds of billions, actually, in lost productivity:

A new report shows that as the United States' tax system grows more complicated because of ObamaCare regulations, the economy is taking more of a hit.

According to data from the National Taxpayers Union Foundation (NTUF), complying with the federal income tax cost the economy about $234 billion in productivity last year....

The increase to this year's figure, according to the NTUF, stems from the [Una]ffordable Care[-Less] Act and the mountain of paperwork it has created at the IRS.

"Looking deeper at NTUF's research, there is one big reason to think this could be the beginning of a trend in the wrong direction: 3,322 pages of legal guidance for Obamacare (or the ACA) added to (1,077 pages of regulations, 1,377 pages of Treasury decisions, 669 notices, 100 revenue procedures, and 12 revenue rulings)," the report reads.

"Essentially, ObamaCare is coming home to roost."

The nonprofit research organization concludes that while ObamaCare has not yet "drastically increased costs under NTUF's metrics," it has caused a ripple effect throughout the economy that starts at the taxpayer level. [emphases added]

Which wouldn't be so bad if O-Care actually delivered what its namesake promised it would.  Which is the diametric opposite of what it did, in fact, deliver.  And, you know, it being flagrantly unconstitutional and despotic and cruel and deadly, and other piddling little details.

But always remember: This is what sixty-two million American voters voted for - twice.  So their wails of anguish will fall on deaf ears, as far as I'm concerned.

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