Monday, April 20, 2015

Planned Parenthood Aids & Abets Child Sex Slavery

by JASmius

I've given a great deal of thought to which group - the Islamic State or Planned Parenthood - is the more vile and evil.  And it really is a toss-up.  ISIS is demoniacal, slaughtering every non-Muslim (and apostate Muslim) they can get their hands on; but PP massacres unborn children of every demographic for no more of an ethos than self-centered convenience - and their body count is (for now) roughly a thousandfold bigger.  Suffice it to say, they make King Herod look like Franklin Graham.

But if anything was going to tip the "Which is worse?" scales in PP's direction, their hail and hearty collaboration in the child sex trade would be an outstanding candidate:

Pimp: We’re involved in sex work, alright… Some of ‘em are young, they’re kinda like – some are like fifteen, fourteen…

PP: …Minors are always accepted without parental consent.

Pimp: Ok. Ok.

PP: The only thing that you do have to be careful is, if they are a minor, we are obligated, if we hear certain information-

Pimp: Oh, Ok.

PP: To, kind of, report… Fourteen and under we have to report.

Prostitute: Fourteen and under. What if_

PP: Uh-

Prostitute: _That includes being fourteen, right?

PP: Yeah.

Prostitute: Yeah. Ok.

PP: Fourteen and_ uh, you know. Once they get to fifteen, there’s a little bit more play room so as long as the just lie and say, “Oh, he’s fifteen, sixteen.” You know, as long as it’s not too much of an age gap then we just kind of like_ then we just kinda play it stupid

Pimp: What if they do say they’re fourteen?

PP: …You never got this from me. Just to make all of our lives easier.

Pimp: Ok.

PP: If they’re fourteen and under just send ‘em right there if they need an abortion. [Laughs]…

This was one of seven sting operations all over just the northeast alone.  Suffice it to say, these are not exceptions, but the rule.  And your tax dollars at "work".

But what else can you expect from the real "Murder, Inc." founded by a racist, Mengele-esque eugenisist, and the party and POTUS that serve as their financiers and police state muscle?

Exit question: If a "gay gene" ever is discovered, how long until Barack Obama decrees that all children who lack it must be aborted?

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