Thursday, April 16, 2015

The First Lesbian President?

by JASmius

You know something?  This gambit might actually carry Hillary Clinton's dead weight to the Democrat nomination:

OK. You’re Hillary Clinton and you’re running for president and things don’t look good.  Despite the best efforts of the media the “First woman president” card isn't moving or guilting people into supporting you.  It’s rapidly reaching the point where you are looking vulnerable. You need to change the dynamic. What do you do?

You first become the first of something else:

Now a world-exclusive investigation by the National ENQUIRER reveals that some of the presidential candidate’s famously “deleted” emails are packed full of lesbian references and her lovers’ names. “I don’t think she’s so concerned about emails referring to her as secretly gay,” said a Clinton insider. “That’s been out for years – her real fear is that the names of some of her lovers would be made public!”

The ENQUIRER learned the list of Hillary’s lesbian lovers includes a beauty in her early thirties who has often traveled with Hillary; a popular TV and movie star; the daughter of a top government official; and a stunning model who got a career boost after allegedly sleeping with Hillary. Hillary made the huge mistake of mixing public and private messages while using her personalized email server – before risking a massive scandal by refusing to make the documents public.

Please.  Since when has any scandal damaged La Clinton Nostra?  Especially any sexual scandal?  Mrs. Clinton's problem is that she's a godawful candidate and wore out her national welcome years ago.  But given the powerful ascendancy of the Lavender Lobby to the top of the Donk constituency food chain, the Empress's "coming out of the closet" and making sexual perversion the centerpiece of her campaign would be the ultimate distraction and a political masterstroke.  Play the "homophobia" card every bit as ubiquitously and obnoxiously as Barack Obama has the race card for all these years, with $2.5 billion in illegal fundraising boodle to fuel and propel it, and Hillary could steamroll the entire 2016 field on both sides.  I'm actually ashamed I didn't think of it myself.

Not credible because it's the National Enquirer?  Well, first, it's not as if the Obamedia has any credibility, and second, it was the NE that actually reported on John Edwards' rampant adulteries back in the 2008 campaign.  So your mileage may vary.

But this would make perfect, no-brainer sense.  Even if Her Nib would only be the second "gay president," just like Barack Obama was only the second black president.  Now let's see if she's calculatedly go-for-broke enough to go with it.  Because it really is her only option.

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