Or, as I continue to say, "'Never again,' my ass".
Prime Minister Netanyahu elaborated a bit more eloquently:
"Leaders of the enlightened countries understood that it was a window of opportunity to establish a new world order based on protecting freedom, eradicating evil, and opposing tyranny. In a loud and clear voice, they pronounced the central lesson of the Second World War for democracies – we must not turn a blind eye to the expansionist intentions of tyrannical regimes. Appeasement of such regimes increases their propensity for aggression, and if this aggression is not curbed in time, humanity could endure much more difficult wars.
"Many in the world declare that the lessons learned are also valid today. They declare 'never again'. But as long as these words are not heeded in practice, they are meaningless,” said the prime minister. “I wish I could stand here and tell you the world truly learned from this incomprehensible tragedy. Just as the Nazis hoped to crush a civilization, so Iran strives to take over the region and from there spread onwards, with the stated intention of destroying the Jewish state.
“The bad deal that is being worked out with Iran shows that the historical lesson was not internalized. While the civilized world sinks into a coma on a bed of illusions, Iran’s rulers encourage subversion and terrorism, they spread destruction and death. The world powers shut their eyes to the masses in Tehran calling ‘death to America, death to Israel’."
No better way to remember the Holocaust than by pointing out Barack Obama's determined efforts to repeat it. Bibi really is the Winston Churchill of our time. Hopefully, he, and we, will emerge similarly triumphantly.
But I'm not counting on it. That will require the intervention of an even higher Jewish authority....
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