Monday, May 25, 2015

Black Klan Civil War In Ferguson?

by JASmius

So the Ferguson rioters were bilked by the communizers who sent them into "battle," eh?  Finally, a riot for which the rest of us can break out the popcorn and frosty beverages:

At least some of the protesters who looted, rioted, burned buildings and overturned police cars in Ferguson, Missouri, last year were promised payment of up to $5,000 per month to join the protests.

However, when the Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE), the successor group to the now-bankrupt St. Louis branch of ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), stiffed the protesters, they launched a sit-in protest at the headquarters of MORE and created a Twitter page to demand their money, the Washington Times reports.

Presidential candidate [?] and former Representative Allen B. West (R-FL22), noted on his website, "Instead of being thankful for getting off the unemployment line for a few weeks and having a little fun protesting, the paid rioters who tore up Ferguson, Missouri, are protesting again.

"First of all, can you even imagine getting paid $5,000.00 a month for running around holding a sign and burning down an occasional [?] building? That's around $1,250.00 per week. Try making that at McDonalds or Starbucks." [emphasis added]

It's also sixty grand a year.  Hell, that's not much less than I used to make.  Which ought to have been a clue to the rioters that they were being swindled, as it's a safe assumption to make that MORE had neither the intention to keep their promise nor the financial resources to make the payments if they had.  Which would make it all the more fitting if the rioters they hornswaggled burned down their headquarters in a fiery display of the entitlement mentality communizers have been cultivating in their minions for all these decades.  Something that will be a certainty of MORE is stupid enough to "cut the checks" that will almost certainly bounce.

Oh, and did I mention that MORE is funded by liberal billionaire George Soros - a man who is whiter than Hitler himself - through his Open Society Foundations?  Surely he could find that few hundred grand in one of his couches, right?

Forget popcorn; this intra-Left implosion deserves a full-blown barbecue.  Which would be rather fitting, don't you think?

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