It's come to this:
During a press conference Monday, Nelson County Sheriff Ed Mattingly made a shocking statement aimed towards the [Oba]media while discussing the shooting of twenty-five-year-old John Kennedy Fenwick.
“We are glad that he is white, and we shouldn't have to be worried about that. We do not want any backlash or violence in this community because people have been misinformed… I think that the public needs to know how the criminal justice system works and what officers are able to do. And the media has not done a very good job of informing the public.” [emphasis added]
What on Earth makes you think the media's job is to "inform the public," Sheriff Mattingly? Their job is to mold the public, shape the public, propagandize the public, brainwash the public, and most important of all, divide the public. You know this or you wouldn't have paid obeisance to its "black lives matter, white lives don't" party line by celebrating the fact that your officers critically wounded a "young unarmed white man".
I realize the press question about "community backlash" was a leading one, but it was also silly. Sheriff Mattingly could just as easily and reasonably have pointed out that white Americans don't riot - must be because of "white privilege," I guess - and if they did, the press would denounce it as - you guessed it - "racist". Besides, why should any African-American give three Milky Way bars off the looted convenience store shelf about "police brutality" against whites? Seems to me the looters and rioters would sit back with pilfered popcorn and cheer the cops on.
It's only when blacks rise up in defense of an "unarmed white man" that there'll be evidence of ethnic reconciliation in this country, despite the Obama Regime's most strenuous efforts. Until that day this is just another racist leftwingnut one-way street.
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