Question of the day: How on Earth did the New Black Panther Party get one of their molls into the Maryland State Attorney post?:
On Tuesday [April 27, 2015] at the Bilingual Christian [?] Church, Mosby spoke with members of the Multicultural Prayer Movement group....
i.e. The New Black Panther Party with collars.
....of which she is also a member. At one point "church" leaders, including Nunez who has been her friend for five years, gathered around her and prayed.
To Nemesis, no doubt.
“So we will pursue "justice" by any and all means necessary. I appreciate your support Bishop [Nunez], you've been there for me from the very beginning,” Mosby added, before alluding to the riots which appeared to come to a halt after charges in Gray’s death were announced.
Just days before she announced charges in Gray’s death, she acknowledged that there is growing frustration in Baltimore because the justice system “has historically and disproportionately affected so many communities of color.”
“… What we’re seeing right now when we turn on the news and we open up the newspaper is that frustration, and it’s not just Baltimore City, that’s every urban city across America,” she said. “We’re seeing the frustration of this system.” [emphases added]
Sounds like "outcome-based justice," doesn't it. Or what used to be known as "revenge". Or gang/mob "justice": "You put one of ours in the hospital, we'll put two of yours in the morgue".
“Nothing transcends the power of God and we have work to do,” she said firmly. “We have work to do. We need to get out there on these streets and talk to these young people. They are not thugs, they are our children and they need us. They need us now. [emphasis added]
So God is a racist rioter and insurrectionist? I mean, yeah, He did drive the money-changers out of the Temple, but I hardly think that's the same thing.
And what do "your children" need you for? To replenish their supply of rocks and bottles and Molotov cocktails? Remember, Mrs. Mosby, the word "thug" describes conduct, not ethnicity. And a mob of people, of whatever demographic characteristics, that becomes a pack of rabid animals attacking police officers and "people of other colors" and otherwise attempting to destroy their community are THUGS in great, big, quivering capital letters, and should be the ones you should be prosecuting, not the "Baltimore Six" whom you'll never be able to convict in any case - which I am quite sure is the plan for bigger and better riots to come.
This makes Mrs. Mosby's incompetence all the more fitting:
When charges were announced Friday against Alicia White for the death of Freddie Gray, her phone started buzzing from journalists and bail bondsmen.
The problem was, they were calling the wrong Alicia White. The elementary school cafeteria manager from East Baltimore was not the Baltimore Police sergeant charged with manslaughter in the high-profile police custody death – even though court records listed her.
The Sun was among those who contacted the other White on Friday based on the information in court records, seeking comment from her or her family.
“The middle initial was off. Her address, her height, her weight, her driver’s license number – all of the information was my client’s information,” said Jeremy Eldridge, an attorney who says he has been hired by the resident.
“Her life has been a living hell the past four days,” he said.
Wouldn't it have been a hoot of one of Mrs. Mosby's "avengers" had undertaken some vigilante "justice" against the wrong Alicia White? And isn't that the perfect surname for this fiasco? Talk about "state attorney, prosecute thyself".
An attorney for Lieutenant Brian Rice said his client’s information was also entered incorrectly when prosecutors filed charges, but declined further comment.
On Friday evening, Tammy and Brian Rice of Brunswick, Maryland, said they were receiving multiple calls from reporters looking for the lieutenant. Brian Rice of Brunswick is a plumber, they said.……
Eldridge said no one ever tried to arrest his client, which he attributes to the officers’ surrenders being coordinated by authorities. But he believes officials showed a reckless disregard for White’s safety by entering incorrect information in the public database.
“In light of the violence and emotion our city has seen, to not send someone out and tell her, ‘Hey, we issued a warrant for you by mistake’ is unreal,” Eldridge said.
Ready, fire, aim.
Marilyn Mosby had her mind made up about this from the start. She was going to be the, well, "Black Widow" who would "avenge" Freddie Gray on behalf of all her rioting minions. And yet she can't be bothered to perform enough due diligence to ensure that the "right" individuals are even indicted.
Kind of redefines "blind justice," doesn't it?
Sue that racist bitch
she is a racist piece of shit.
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