But at least now they're pretending to be contrite about it:
President Obama’s lawyers admitted to a federal judge late Thursday that they had broken the court’s injunction halting the administration’s new deportation amnesty [again], issuing thousands of work permits even after Judge Andrew S. Hanen had ordered the program stopped.
The stunning admission....
....filed just before midnight in Texas, where the case is being heard, is the latest "misstep"....
....for the administration’s lawyers, who are facing possible sanctions by Judge Hanen....
....for their continued "problems"....
....in arguing the case.
The Justice Department lawyers said Homeland Security, which is the defendant in the case, told them Wednesday that an immigration agency had approved about two thousand applications for three-year work permits, which was part of Mr. Obama’s new amnesty, even after Judge Hanen issued his February 16th injunction halting the entire program.
Top Obama officials, including Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, had repeatedly assured Congress they had fully halted the program and were complying with the order.
“The government sincerely regrets these circumstances....
....and is taking immediate steps to remedy these erroneous three-year terms,” the administration lawyers said.
By making them permanent and preparing to issue millions more of them.
Senator Charles E. Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said it was “remarkable” that the administration kept approving some applications.
“The last time I checked, injunctions are not mere suggestions. They are not optional,” the Iowa Republican said.
Oh, yes, they are, Senator.
“This disregard for the court’s action is unacceptable and disturbing, especially after Secretary Johnson’s assurances that his agency would honor the injunction.”
Remember a few days ago when both Mick Huckabee and Ben Carson correctly called the judicial branch's usurped "judicial review" power unconstitutional and vowed that, if elected POTUS, they would defy any unconstitutional court order? Remember how they were both roasted in the flames of public derision and rebuke for it? Barack Obama doesn't seem to have any compunction about defying constitutional and legal court orders, nor does anybody seem to give a damn about - or have the stupendous courage to attempt - stopping him.
Chairman Grassley's strategy?
He has written a letter to Mr. Johnson asking the department to turn over all of its communications about implementing the three-year policy.
Which the Iowa senator might get before the next ice age. Or might not.
Long before which time, the entire human population will reside within the boundaries of the United Soviet Socialist States of Obamerikastan, and the rest of the planet will be utterly and completely empty of so much as a single human soul.
When the Vulcans arrive forty-eight years from now, explaining the logic of this arrangement should prove....fascinating.
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