Cause, meet effect:
Crime is rising in Baltimore, and some law enforcement experts suspect an anti-cop climate stemming from the racially charged case of Freddie Gray is at least partly responsible.
Homicides in 2015 so far stand at one hundred, up from seventy-one for the same period last year, and on pace to be the Charm City’s deadliest year since 2007. Nonfatal shootings are up 70% this year, following a particularly violent week that saw nineteen people shot on Tuesday and Wednesday alone.
“It’s extremely frustrating,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said Thursday. “It is disheartening, but I am still resolved to continue to reduce violent crime in our city.” [emphasis added]
Don't you mean facilitating violent crime, Madame Mayor?:
While crime is rising in Baltimore, the numbers of arrests have been dropping with numbers dipping 22% in the first three months of 2015 and even more sharply after Gray’s death on April 19th touched off rioting.
“The police down there [Baltimore] are definitely cautious,” NYPD Sergeant Ed Mullins, president of the Sergeants' Benevolent Association in New York, told FoxNews.com. “I’m sure many of them think, ‘If I go and get involved what is the consequence?’”
Mullins said politicians who second-guess police are to blame, not cops. During initial rioting following Gray’s death, police officials told Fox News Rawlings-Blake had ordered them not to make arrests, even as they were pelted with rocks by angry crowds.
If you deliberately prevent the law from being enforced, and encourage the perception of law enforcement as the criminal element instead of, well, the criminal element, you will get fewer arrests, rising crime, and civil unrest. The law of the jungle. Ripping off the thin veneer of civilization. Animalism.
Cause and effect.
Maybe the Merovingian should be Mayor of "Charm City".
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