Yesterday, we reported on how, after months and months of the Obama White House insisting that Iran's stockpile of nuclear fuel had been "frozen," the mullahs have actually been merrily and steadily adding to it over the past year and a half, and that it was very, very important to the Regime that We, The People believe that "frozen" lie.
Now that that glowing cat is out of the bag, you would think that The One would send out his very best, most skilled "spinner" to put the public back to "sleep" over this latest instance of Iranian perfidy and their own attempt to cover it up.
Instead, out came Marie Harf to blow Valley Girl smoke:
Our team read that story this morning and was quite frankly perplexed because the main contentions of it are just totally inaccurate.
So it's the IAEA that is incompetent? Or dishonest? Or both? Please, go on.
First, the notion in the story that western officials or U.S. officials involved were unaware of this issue or not understanding of what this entails is just absurd.
So the IAEA was right? But you just said that what they said was "inaccurate". In which case, how can there be an "issue" for you to be aware or unaware of?
Under the JPOA, Iran can fluctuate its numbers in terms of their stockpile. They can go up and down as long as at the end of fixed date they are back down below a number. So in the first two instances, the JPOA and the extension, that’s exactly what they’ve done. They’ve gone up, they’ve gone back down, and at the end of it, they’ve been where they need to be, and we fully expect that will happen again.
But that's not what the word "frozen" means, Marie. "Frozen" means locked in place. Unchanging. They can't add to it. And why would the mullahs add to their nuclear fuel stockpile if they'd just have to get rid of the addition - other than to build nuclear warheads with it, of course. Which, quite clearly, you don't want anybody to find out about, as you're now admitting that you expect them to keep building, building, building.
I would also say that the notion that Iran is doing something they’re not supposed to be doing, again is jut not accurate.
So they're supposed to be growing their nuclear fuel stockpile? The same one you people have been insisting was "frozen"?
They are permitted to go up and down under the JPOA as long as at the end of it, again they’re where they need to be.
They're permitted to cheat? But they're already cheating. They've been cheating for at least the past twelve years. So what's the point of any "deal" other than to give your boss his Neville Chamberlain moment?
And then finally I would say, and you may have more questions, the notion that this is some obstacle is just patently absurd.
You're not going to let the Iranians making a preemptive mockery of any "deal" get in the way of inking it. That, we already knew.
They are permitted, again, to do what they are doing here, and they’ve always gotten where they need to be and we expect they will again.
They're permitted, again, to cheat, and you've, again, got no problem with that. Gotcha.
And look, there are some real issues, serious ones that we have to resolve in these talks, and this just isn’t one of them.
What "real issues"? These "talks" have been about nuclearly disarming the mullahs, haven't they? Keeping them from acquiring atomic fission weapons? And now it's proven that they're continuing to stockpile nuclear fuel with which to build them and more when they're not supposed to be. Shouldn't that be the only "issue"? What other "issues" could there be, Marie? Lauding them on their LGBTQ relations? Making sure we all understand that they're "not Islamic"?
What matters is that they have committed already, and we said publicly to reducing their stockpile whenever this implemented three hundred kilograms.
But they're already not keeping their commitments. So, again, what is the purpose of these "talks" other than for you people to hear yourselves talk with such tunnel-vision focus that you don't hear the mullahs laughing hysterically at you?
The notion that this is some big issue of concern of negotiation is more manufacturing a controversy than actual reality. Everyone who read that story this morning was totally perplexed by it.
Which ought to tell us all we need to know about the Obama Regime's stance on Iran's entrance into the "nuclear club": They're rolling out the red carpet. Because, after all, America has criminally had nukes - AND USED THEM! - for seventy years, so it's only fair that our enemies get - and use - them against us.
To, you know, bring us down to the level of the rest of the world.
Exit question: What, Marie, no "Omigawd" for the road? Gag me with a spoon.
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