Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Israelis Spying On Iranian Nuclear Weapons Talks

by JASmius

Finally, some cyberespionage I can get behind:

A [Russian <AHEM>] cybersecurity firm has discovered that the three hotels where the Iran nuclear negotiations took place were all likely hacked with a virus used by Israeli spies.

Kaspersky Lab ZAO's system was attacked with the same virus. After looking to see if other computers were affected, it discovered that the only three networks with that virus were at the three luxury hotels in Europe where the Iran negotiators met, the Wall Street Journal is reporting.

According to Kaspersky, the spyware it discovered is an updated version of a virus called Duqu, which Israel has used in the past to conduct highly sensitive intelligence-collection operations.

Picture Benjamin Netanyahu in Novak Djokovic's place.

Am I being hypocritical?  I can see why some might think so in a superficial sense.  "Why is it bad for the ChiComms to hack us but good when the Israelis do it?" and all that.  But there are two crucial differences between the two.  First, Red China is an enemy of America, while Israel is - or, rather, used to be - one of America's closest allies.  And second, Barack Obama treats Israel like an enemy and Red China like a bosom friend.

There is another difference: The Jewish State's very survival as a nation and ethnicity is at stake, and King Hussein cut them - the party with the greatest interest of all in the outcome of these farcical, circle-jerk "negotiations" - out of the process entirely, even on a "We'll keep you informed" level.  The White House is determined to force Bibi into the Jan Syrový role, and Bibi refuses to play it.

Hence, the Duqu caper.

If Barack Obama doesn't want the Mossad spying on his nuclear sellout to the mullahs, there's a very easy solution: Stop treating the Israelis as enemies and keep them informed on the "talks"; better yet, invite them to join the talks.  Or best of all, break off the talks, attack Iran, effect "regime change" in Tehran, and eliminate this mortal threat to the entire Western world once and for all.

But, no.  That would be "madness," wouldn't it?

But it would also be a peaceful madness.  And that's the kind of "craziness" I can get behind.

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