I'll say this for Pamela Geller: She takes big bites, and she knows just where to take them:
Pamela Geller, head of the organization that was attacked in Garland, Texas, during its recent Muhammad cartoon contest, said Monday that the winning cartoon has been placed on one hundred billboards across St. Louis with the accompanying tagline "Support Free Speech."
"Because the media and the cultural and political elites continue to self-enforce the Sharia without the consent of the American people by refusing to show any depictions of Muhammad or showing what it was in Texas that had jihadists opening fire, we are running a billboard ad featuring the winning cartoon by former Muslim Bosch Fawstin from our Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest in Garland, Texas," Geller wrote in an announcement on Brietbart.com.
She said that the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) plans to submit the ad campaign for display in other cities in the near future.
Outstanding. And what better place to decorate with the false prophet's cartoon image than the city a large part of which was already laid waste by the Ferguson race riots? That's urban planning that puts Agenda 21 to shame, I'm telling you.
Exit thought: Is it not amazing that anybody sold billboard space to AFDI in the current Sharia-chilled environment for a single display, much less a hundred of them? And in the "Defiance" city itself, no less....

.....rather appropriate, actually.
Bonus exit question: Odds on whether Facebook spikes the cover pic when the notification hits our newsfeed? Nah, none of you are that crappy at gambling.
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