Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Left's War On American History

by JASmius

George Santayana once wrote, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it".

Which ironically suggests awfully sinister motives behind the absurd lengths to which the leftwingnut flash mob rampage against any and all Civil War imagery has reached:

[Y]ou can now no longer buy the strategy iOS games Civil War: 1862, Civil War: 1863, Civil War: 1864, and Civil War: Gettysburg, which, as you might guess, use the Confederate flag because they’re video games about the Civil War.

Andrew Mulholland, director of these Civil War games, told me this morning that Apple pulled them today without any warning.

“It seems disappointing that they would remove it as they weren’t being used in an offensive way, being that they were historical war games and hence it was the flag used at the time,” Mulholland said in an e-mail. “At the moment we’re reworking the games to replace the flags that are deemed offensive. We’re going to use the Confederate flag from 1861 and 1862 as the one that’s considered offensive wasn’t introduced until late 1862.”

Until the Left targets it next, you mean.

The note Apple sent, according to Mulholland: “We are writing to notify you that your app has been removed from the App Store because it includes images of the Confederate flag used in offensive and mean-spirited ways.” [emphasis added]

Does anybody even remember what started this leftwingnut feeding frenzy a mere week ago?  Seems almost as long ago as the Civil War itself.

But, predictably, the lunacy did not, could not, stop at just Confederate flags and apparel and accessories.  Now every vestige, every manifestation, every tattered, yellowed, moldy piece of evidence that the Civil War ever happened or that the Confederacy ever existed must be expunged.  American history must be rewritten to conform to the hard-Left Narrative, and anybody who even questions it in the slightest will be excommunicated from "polite society" as a flaming, flagrant, "Call me Beauregard" racist.

For Apple's part, at least they're doing their part to revise history piecemeal instead of prememptively all at once, as they still include the Confederate battle flag in historical photographs in their Store.

 Although probably not for long.

Exit question: Has anybody else noticed that Nazi paraphernalia that, one would think, would have particular cause to offend Jews is going unnoticed, unremarked, and untouched?  Can anyone get in on this book-burning party or is it segregated to "African-Americans"?

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