Monday, June 08, 2015

The TSA Hired Seventy-Three Jihadists

by JASmius

I went with this meme because I was unable, despite a thoroughly herculean effort, to find a cartoon of a jihadist running a nudie scanner:

At least seventy-three people who are employed in the airline industry and are linked to terrorism-related activity codes made it past the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) without notice, according to a report released by the inspector general's office of the Department of Homeland Security.

They're really going to have to change their name.

These employees worked for airlines, airport vendors and other airport-related employers, and they all made it through TSA's security clearance even though they were on watch lists, the report found.

You'll never, in a bazillion years, guess why.

"TSA did not identify these individuals through its vetting operations because it is not authorized to receive all terrorism-related categories under current interagency watchlisting policy," the IG report says. [emphasis added]

You know what this sounds like, don't you?  The TSA's answer to the "wall of separation" between the FBI and the CIA that made impossible the "connecting of the dots" that could have prevented the 9/11 attacks.  Now, thanks to Rand Paul, not only can we again no longer connect those dots, but thanks to Barack Obama we can't even exclude jihadists from eligibility to work U.S. airport security.

Even if they fly in from Mosul for the job:

In addition, the IG also found that TSA does not have effective controls in place to make sure a potential employee is authorized to work in the United States.

I'll say it again: This is not "incompetence".  A troll, a few billygoats, and an army of chimpanzees could run the TSA better than the Obamunists in terms of running it the way it's supposed to be run.  Which means the Obamunists are deliberately sabotaging U.S. airport security.  Because there is no other way to describe the Obama Regime hiring seventy-three jihadists as TSA employees.

At the end of the movie I, Robot, when V.I.C.K.I.E. and the NS5's are taking over and Police Detective Del Spooner (Will Smith) and Dr. Susan Calvin (Bridgette Moynihan) are infiltrating U.S. Robotics HQ to try and stop them, Spooner sarcastically asks Dr. Calvin why USR didn't just hand the whole world over to the robots on a silver platter.  Dr. Calvin turns to Spooner and wryly replies, "Maybe we did".

That, ladies and gentlemen, is what sixty-two million American voters did in 2008 and 2012: hand the country over to the Global jihad on a silver platter by electing and re-electing their biggest American sympathizer.  And we are all inevitably going to reap a horrific whirlwind for their criminally negligent foolishness.

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