Monday, July 27, 2015

Ben Carson Caving On ObamaCare

by JASmius

"ObamaCare is the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery."

"We keep delaying things.  Why don't we just delay the whole bill permanently and come up with a real solution that really is affordable and that really will take care of everybody?"

"If we really want to solve the ObamaCare disaster, it's going to take a willingness to be honest.  If deceit is used to get a bill passed, is it even legitimate?"

"ObamaCare aims to make all of us subservient to the government.  It was never about healthcare.  It was about control."

“Providing coverage to people who are sick is extremely important. When I work with Congress to repeal the law, I think we should keep this protection for the sick.”

Wait a minute, what?:

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said earlier this week that if he were elected president, there is at least one part of ObamaCare he would keep.

Though he says he would work to repeal and replace the majority of the law, Carson said he would keep the provision that bans insurance companies from turning away people who have “preexisting conditions.”

Let's revisit how ObamaCare is designed to work - or, in Dr. Carson's case, visit it for the first time.

The Unaffordable Care Act has front-loaded goodies: "wellness plans" (on which everything is "free"), young adults sponging off their parents' insurance until the age of twenty-six (which presupposes that they're not out, you know, working), and, yes, mandating coverage for pre-existing conditions.  But the front-loaded goodies lead directly to all the jackbooted thuggery on the back end that Dr. Carson has repeatedly and ritualistically condemned in the past.  Requiring insurers to cover preexisting conditions incentivizes Americans to blow off getting health insurance until they get sick or injured.  Then, whammo, they pick up the phone, get coverage, and insurers are forced to pay for everything at government gunpoint.  But in order to stay in business, insurers in this scenario have no choice but to either (1) jack up premiums to the stratosphere, (2) withdraw from the health insurance market altogether, or (3) accept government "bailouts" (aka fascist nationalization).  This is the whole point of and reason for the Individual and Employer Mandates - to force healthy people to pay for sick people's coverage.  You can't have one without the other.

Consequently, if the 115th Congress were to follow a President Carson's prescription, all the parts of O-Care that he and they repealed would have to be quickly reenacted, or the death spiral would accelerate straight into single-payer universal Medicaid, which would begin the States' fiscal death spirals, which would trigger a massive federal bailout of the States, which would trigger the feds' fiscal death spiral....need I go on?

The whole point of insurance of any sort is managing risk.  And for their to be risk at all it must apply to the insured as much as the insurer.  If you're a young, healthy adult and you don't want to bother with health insurance, that should be your prerogative - understanding that if you roll your motorcycle while popping a wheelie and nearly tear your own leg off, or whatever, you are up the proverbial crick, because that's the risk you're taking.  There are not, in other words, supposed to be guarantees in life other than the God-given rights codified in the U.S. Constitution.  Freedom and liberty mean just that - including the freedom to starve or go bankrupt with unexpected medical costs for which you were too foolish to plan.

The fundamental, practical problem with ObamaCare is that it requires insurers to take ALL the risk and the insured to take none.  Thus driving up costs and premiums and making health insurance and healthcare less affordable for all, and guaranteeing escalating....government control.

And now Dr. Carson has endorsed its on-ramp.

Run, Ben, run?

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