Friday, July 17, 2015

Ben Shapiro's Truth-Telling Triggers Tranny Attack

by JASmius

Confront a delusional but militant tranny with the genetic, scientific truth, get your ass kicked:

Via Breitbart, the key bit comes at 5:30. Shapiro’s point is that....Bob Tur is male genetically and therefore a man in fact, however he/she may identify. Tur’s reply is to grab him by the neck and threaten to knock him into the middle of next week, which is … about as cartoonishly masculine a response to an insult as I can imagine. All that’s missing is a belch for emphasis.

A crass and thuggish illustration of what we already knew: The perverts and freaks now rule the country, and they will not tolerate dissent in any form.  We WILL acknowledge and embrace their twisted fictions, we WILL celebrate and emulate them, we WILL all become trannies, or we will be prosecuted beyond the fullest extent of the debauched law, jailed, imprisoned, and, if necessary, beaten unconscious.

And, eventually, executed.

Hope Mr. Shapiro can afford "trannyphobic" personal security, or his mutilated (and you know in what way) corpse is going to be found in a ditch or the middle of a field or down a mineshaft somewhere.  "Zoe" will make sure of it.

UPDATE: Guess who's just fine with sexually mutilating the military.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is orchestrating this forced acceptance of delusion?