[Y]ou can still see how that decentralized approach to the queer scoutmaster policy wouldn't abate the BSA's litigation problems in the slightest. The Lavender Lobby wouldn't bother with a "fondle around the edges" strategy but would go straight for the jugular at the top, both in directly forcing the BSA to "taste the rainbow" and in stripping it of its 501(c)(3) tax exempt status if it refused, just as every church and religious-affiliated organization is going to be preparatory to being figuratively and literally raped and plundered if they don't reject Jesus Christ and His Word and acknowledge Soddom & Gomorrah as Lord. Delegating scoutmaster personnel "orientation" decisions to local BSA chapters wouldn't even slow down the dinnermashers. So Mr. Gates isn't even buying time with his recommendation, but trying to make the poison pill slide down a little easier.
But then you have to remember that the Scouts are really in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" position, the proverbial "rock and a hard place". Stand for their founding principles and the Lavender Lobby, through the courts, will eventually destroy them. Capitulate and be assimilated into the Hershey Collective, and parents and religious groups will pull their support and their kids out of the BSA en masse in protest. Either way, the Scouts are doomed - just as militant homosexuals always wanted.
- Me, two months and six days ago
For years, the Boy Scouts of America had understood that there is no possibility of compromise with the Lavender Lobby, no possible modus vivendi, no common or middle ground on which the two can agree to disagree or meet halfway. The BSA and the Rump Rangers have utterly incompatible and mutually hostile values and worldviews, were always on a collision course, and the resulting conflict would destroy one or the other. To borrow and tweak the words of the old Soviet adage, "a funeral dirge will be sung over either the Boy Scouts or militant homosexuality".
The BSA no longer understands that reality, and the fat lady is warming up her pipes as we speak:
The Boy Scouts of America, facing litigation, shrinking membership and sweeping acceptance of gay rights, voted Monday to lift its ban on openly gay troop leaders and employees.
The national organization will no longer allow discrimination against its paid workers or at BSA-owned facilities. But local troops and councils will be permitted to decide for themselves whether they will allow openly gay volunteer leaders. …
The executive board’s vote was taken at the suggestion of the group’s president, former defense secretary Robert Gates, who noted that the Scouts are facing potential lawsuits by gay adults who were shut out of positions. But church-state legal experts said the decision will likely just shift the controversy and legal battles from the national group to local troops and councils as volunteers barred from participating file suit.
Compromises only work when both sides are reasonable and willing to yield a little in order to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. The Lavender Lobby is not reasonable, any more than it is tolerant. It wants sodomite domination and any vestige of Christianity and traditional American culture and organizations (like the BSA) either assimilated or eradicated. There are to be no exceptions.
Yet the BSA has tried to split the difference in precisely the way I described back in May, which was guaranteed to not just not take the bullseye off of their chests, but to piss off both their enemies....
Wahls also worried about what he called a “political necessity” built into the new policy—the decision to allow the roughly 70% of members in the US who are chartered through religious organizations to continue excluding gay adults from hiring.
Wahls suggested this could create a sharply divided organization, while Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin said the policy “undermines” the “historic nature” of the decision.
“Discrimination should have no place in the Boy Scouts, period,” he said.
Geoff McGrath, a former Boy Scout leader in Seattle whose membership was revoked last April because he is gay, also called this element of the policy “atrocious.”
....and their remaining friends as well:
“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is deeply troubled by today’s vote by the Boy Scouts of America National Executive Board,” said a statement issued by the Mormon Church moments after the Scouts announced the new policy.
“In spite of a request to delay the vote, it was scheduled at a time in July when members of the church’s governing councils are out of their offices and do not meet,” the statement said. “When the leadership of the church resumes its regular schedule of meetings in August, the century-long association with scouting will need to be examined.”
Mormons use the Boy Scouts as their main nonreligious activity for boys, and the Cub Scout and Boy Scout units they sponsor accounted for 17% of all youths in scouting in 2013, the last year for which data have been published. The negative reaction to Monday’s vote took many Boy Scout leaders by surprise; it had been widely assumed that the exemption for religious sponsors would keep them in the fold.
“The church has always welcomed all boys to its scouting units regardless of sexual orientation,” the statement by the church headquarters continued. “However, the admission of openly gay leaders is inconsistent with the doctrines of the church and what have traditionally been the values of the Boy Scouts of America.”
There are some issues on which compromise simply is not possible, because they are (1) emotionally charged and (2) binary in nature. Either this country is going to be Judeo-Christian or it's going to be homosexual. Dragging this issue into the public arena leaves no room for tolerance and "live and let live," which is why the Lavender Lobby dragged it there to begin with. Because they do not seek "compromise" and "equality," they seek total domination.
The Boy Scouts of America has been trapped in the no-man's land of the culture wars for years, and for all that time it heroically stood its ground....until today. And now it has no friends left, as equally as besieged churches and religious organizations abandon them for this betrayal while the Gaystapo denounces the BSA's gesture is "insufficient," demands its unconditional surrender, and moves in for the kill.
And so the organization in which my father became in Eagle Scout and in which I got my Bobcat, Wolf, and Bear badges (plus a whole mess 'o "arrows") will die cowardly at its own hand rather than heroically as martyrs, forcing the other side to destroy them and get their fingerprints all over the corpse, thinking the can still salvage something, anything, that is, in reality, already doomed.
"Be prepared," indeed.
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