Friday, July 24, 2015

Donald Trump Blames 2008 Democrat Financial Logic Bomb On....The GOP

by JASmius

Or, as it is more generally known, the Panic of 2008 that just happened to be triggered seven weeks before the 2008 presidential election that just happened to put Barack Obama in the White House along with the sort of massive Democrat congressional majorities that made "fundamental transformation of the United States of America" from the lingering echoes of the constitutional federal republic it used to be into the entrenched Islamocommunist dictatorship it is today and will remain at least indefinitely.  A "panic" borne of Democrat policies going back to the Carter and Clinton administrations (Anybody remember the Community Reinvestment Act?) that made home ownership and accompanying mortgage loans for the poor into a federal entitlement, a ready-made bubble whose inevitable collateral damage was spread throughout the financial system by Donk moles at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  All of which was stoutly and determinedly guarded, protected, and kept in place by Democrats Chris Dodd and Barney Frank - who also inflicted the fascist Consumer Financial Persecution Bureau on the country to run up the statist score - while Republicans were sounding the alarm about the impending artificially engineered economic cataclysm for five years before it hit.

Those are the facts of the biggest, most corrupt partisan plot and scandal in American history, one that destroyed the last vestiges of American constitutional liberty, probably for good.

But not to hear Hairboy tell it:

Donald Trump explained this morning why he has identified more with Democrats in the past and his example was that Republicans caused the financial crisis of 2008. Seriously? Oh it gets worse. He actually said he doesn’t think Democrats would have ever done such a thing. [emphasis added]

The Right Scoop is incredulous:

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. If he’s so smart and so brilliant and so good at this stuff, how is it that he doesn’t know that George W. Bush saw this coming in 2003 and tried to stop it, held hearings on it, but was thwarted by Democrats who wouldn’t let it out of hearings? How does he not know that Bill Clinton is the one who revised the CRA and coerced the banks to give risky loans to poor people and then had Fannie and Freddie buy up all these risky loans that sent this subprime debacle into overdrive? How does he not know all of this?

Simple: He does know it - a man who has earned a nine billion dollar fortune in real estate couldn't possibly be so ignorant of that subject - and he's lying about it because he is a Democrat mole inserted into the 2016 GOP presidential race to sabotage any possibility of Hillary Clinton not being elected the forty-fifth president of the United States.

But, thanks to his trademark "brashness" and indiscretion that some Tea Partiers like so much, he, in public relations terms, prematurely ejaculated.  Not that they'll ever bother to notice it.

To Tea Party Trumpsters, I say again, in the words of Hancock....

...."Are you fellas sure you want to ride this train?"

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